Author Topic: Attention Aces High filmmakers  (Read 2022 times)

Offline Pyro

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Attention Aces High filmmakers
« on: September 01, 2006, 03:38:59 PM »
Attention Aces High filmmakers!  We’re looking to add a new Aces High TV commercial this fall in addition to the one you can see on our mainpage that Waffle put together in a contest.  This time, we’re not doing it in a contest form, but we will still offer $1000 to anybody who produces a spot that we’d like to use in our television campaign.  We could be interested in more than one, so it's a good chance to make your hobby pay.

We’re looking for the good quality Aces High footage arranged to an effective script and/or music and/or text.  If you have a good idea for an Aces High commercial and the video editing skills to bring it to life, please drop me an email at and I'll fill you in on the details and answer any further questions. Thanks.