Author Topic: Your Vote  (Read 889 times)

Offline Nash

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« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2000, 04:56:00 PM »
er... taking back my reply to PC so it doesn't get confused as a reply to Kiern.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 11-12-2000).]

Offline 1776

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« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2000, 04:57:00 PM »
Nash, ya ever hear of the Civil War!!!???

 We Americans don't popsicle-foot around!!!


Offline Nash

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« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2000, 05:14:00 PM »
Kieren, it's not my intention to "jab and poke to see if the leg kicks". I have strong feelings on this, as do you. And like you, I have every right to express them.

Your "tongue in cheek" comment aside, *I* haven't "joked" about politics here.

You are most certainly welcome to your opinion of the Clinton administration. That is your right. By posting these opinions on the BBS, I would assume that, rather than
serve solely to whack people over the head and that be that, you would accept (if not invite) a discussion on these opinions.

"You can't honestly think the Democrats have the interests of the country in mind right now."

Yes I can. Certainly you understand the fact that, amazing as it is, some people would hold a different opinion than you.

"They have lost the office, but they are wrangling for some way to steal it back, pure and simple"

See, this is another one of those common misperceptions about this election. *How* do you come to understand that Gore lost the election? He aint "stealing it back" because there's nobody to steal it from. The election aint over, and I would submit that your desire to circumvent the election process runs anathematic to the Democratic process that some (you?) would take up arms to protect.

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2000, 05:29:00 PM »
No dice.

You know that the longer and more often we recount the votes, the more the vote will favor Gore. This isn't necessarily the true result of the election, but it can be turned that way. There is a margin of error all around the country, and if this thing carries on, that is exactly what we will find out. The Democrats have nothing to lose, they have already lost the election. Yes, they have.

You know the media severely affected the election process by calling states- can your hand recount show what would have happened if people hadn't gone home thinking the decision had been made? Nope.

I am not like many here; I think Gore will win. I think he will find some way to weasel it away. Yes, that is my opinion.

As to divining the intent of the people when they vote, I am so against this. And the 19,000 people voting incorrectly- so what? We have ignorant people here, too. It's good to know that the rights of Floridians are more important than those of my, or everyone else's, state. "We want to reflect the true will of the people of Florida". Sheesh.

Offline 1776

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« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2000, 05:34:00 PM »
Hmmm, Bush leads after the election(271)
Bush leads after the second count(271)

Now as far as the above Bush has won!!!

The process has now been turned over to humans,partisan humans at that. Democraatic partisans!!!!!

Tell me that a hijacking is not in process!!!!  Please be very specific when you reply!!

Offline Nash

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« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2000, 06:02:00 PM »
"The Democrats have nothing to lose, they have already lost the election. Yes, they have."

That position is simply counter to reality.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2000, 06:16:00 PM »
Originally posted by 1776:
Hmmm, Bush leads after the election(271)
Bush leads after the second count(271)

Now as far as the above Bush has won!!!

The process has now been turned over to humans,partisan humans at that. Democratic partisans!!!!!

Tell me that a hijacking is not in process!!!!  Please be very specific when you reply!!

You are correct!

As I see it, gore is 95% assured the election. What a farce and an embarrassment


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Offline Lance

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« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2000, 06:20:00 PM »
One thing this has shown me is that Gore, Bush and all the people around them, no matter what their personal beliefs and convictions might be, are slimy politicians first (no, I am not surprised).

Both parties are sinking to new lows.  Both sides are willing to sacrifice this country's belief in itself and its government to win and/or deny the other side in what is turning into a high-stakes pissing contest.  They want to talk about leadership, but neither side is displaying any leadership whatsoever -- only pettiness.

If either Bush or Gore wants to be a true leader and win over the opinion of the American people, they need to call a press conference and denounce the actions of their OWN party for their part in this.  They need to mention names, and call for those individuals to stop this BS until we get a final vote tally.  They shouldn't point the finger at the other party when they do it.  Hell, they shouldn't even mention the other party.  And afterwards, they need to stand up to their party's leadership and make it stick.  

That is probably a pipe-dream.  But I'm hoping someone comes to their freakin' senses...


Offline 1776

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« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2000, 06:40:00 PM »
WHOA!!! that's a mighty broad brush you have there Lance!!!

Perhaps you need to look and see who is putting our country through these times. Who has asked for count after count???  Who actually entered the court system first!!

Perhaps you need to stop and think about the facts before you start painting with that very ,very broad brush!!!

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2000, 06:52:00 PM »
Heh wow, except for Kieren, all these opinions are so unbiased I've decided to ignore them  .

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Offline Lance

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« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2000, 09:10:00 PM »
I have, 1776, and I see consuming irrationality on both sides.

I hear the evidence of Gore's being the antichrist posted here and I shake my head.  Most of it I haven't heard anywhere else.  Oh yeah, that manipulative, biased liberal media.  I guess I could tune in to Rush Limbaugh to be properly enlightened.

I wish I could say the side I voted for was any different, but I can't.

I have friends who are as fanaticaly liberal as you are conservative, and they spout similar evidence that Bush is the antichrist.  I listen to them and I shake my head, wondering "You are a reasonably intelligent person, why are you buying into this nonsense?"

I watch or read the news, and all I hear coming from either camp is how the other side is trying to thwart the process.  The fact is, the process is not and would never have been over until all of the ballots are counted and results certified.  Concession or not, this election wouldn't have been over yet.  We have a very close race that is going down to the wire.  The real wire where all votes have to be counted and certified before we know who won.  But people from both parties won't let the process simply continue its due course.  Both sides are guilty of what they are accusing the other of doing.

As for who entered the court system first, it hasn't been either party yet.  Some individual voters have filed suit over the Palm Beach ballot, and the Bush campaign is supposed to seek their injunction tomorow.

But I couldn't care less about who started it, it needs to stop.  You can argue that yeah we're going to litigate, but the Democrats started this mess by saying they would aid people to sue over that ballot.  My liberal zealot friends would argue that they are only seeking to make sure people's voting rights weren't violated, and as far as dirty politics goes, you've got no room to talk with that Clinton impeachment debacle that you forced on America.  You would counter with some argument about the impeachment being important for this country, and what about Clarence Thomas and Iran Contra?  etc... etc... It could go around in circles until you get back to Nixon and Watergate, I imagine.  Get the point?  For the sake of the country, this stupid one-upsmanship has got to stop.

You can believe that your party is devoid of guilt in this mess.  That's certainly your perogative, but don't expect me to buy the manure that they and their pundits are feeding you  And no, I'm not buying the same crap (different flavor) that the Dem's are peddling either.


Offline 1776

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« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2000, 09:36:00 PM »
A good response from a middle-of-the-roader!!!  I want to compliment you on your deep thinking and knowledge of these matters!!

I think there may be way too many of the  
"They-are-all-alike" out in America today and we have just seen one. Attitude of the I- don't-give-a-damn!  Be prepared to not complain when the cards come tumbling down.(I bet ya you will be first in line.)

Offline Nash

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« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2000, 09:54:00 PM »
Bravo Gordo.

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2000, 04:46:00 AM »
Right on Gordo  

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Offline CavemanJ

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« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2000, 07:29:00 AM »
As for who entered the court system first, it hasn't been either party yet. Some individual voters have filed suit over the Palm Beach ballot, and the Bush campaign is supposed to seek their injunction tomorow.

Get it straight buddy, so you can at least paint accurately with that huge brush you seem to love.  Bush filed for an injunction to stop the hand recounts in democratic strong holds.  A hand recount is much more error prone and is also susceptible to democratic partisans fudging the numbers.  And aren't the elections boards in those particular counties where Goron wants the hand count democrats?  Yeah, unbiased as hell eh mate?

And the democrats entered the court system first.  8 cases were filed, all from democratic voters.  There was a case filed by the DNC, which was withdrawn so more time and care could be taken to draw up a large case.

Nash Gore lost TWICE in Florida.  Let me say that agains.  Gore lost TWICE in Floriday.  The ONLY thing left that should swing it would be the absentee ballots counted this coming Friday.  
I personally believe that the majority that arrive will be for Bush.

But I guess saying that Bush won is contrary to your reality.  Here's a strong dose of reality for you.  You're fair haired boy, Goron, lost.  The vast majority of the absentee ballots that FL is waiting on are military/republican.  Goron's boys know this, so they're trying to adjust the count of the already tabulated votes.  Say whatever you will, but we both know the truth.


When Gore's campain said they'd drop thier suits and wait on the 1st recount (triggered by FL state law) and the absentee ballots, Gore's campain said they dinnae want to limit thier options.  To me this says the Dems know they're whipped, but are going to try to fanagle a way to steal the presidency anyway.

Fatty, thx for that link.  Great article, too bad it's going to get buried by dem toejam.

I'd love to see how them folks in PBC would've devined my presidential selection had I not chosen one on my '92 ballot.  Talk about a split ticket  

Just because a ballot is voted strictly democrat with 1 or 2 unsure dinnae mean that those 1 or 2 selections would be for the democratic candidate.  And to all of you who say yes it does mean that, please loan me your crystal balls so I can devine the winning powerball and lotto numbers next week.  My grandfather was republican, and more often than not he'd vote a straight party ticket.  UNLESS he thought the candidate from the other party was actually the better choice.  On the ones where there was no discernable difference, he'd vote republican, on the ones where there was a difference he'd pick the one he thought would represent him best.

BTW Nash (all you other "dang feriners"   ), what makes you think your opinions amount to a hill of beans in this?  They are somewhat interesting, but you do not live here and will not be governed by the outcome of this situation.  You have nowhere near as much riding on this as we do.  And frankly, I'm tired of your pro-Goron dribble.  You're as bad as the rest of the DNC.

[This message has been edited by CavemanJ (edited 11-13-2000).]