Hi Nashwan,
Originally posted by Nashwan
The readiness of people to believe that a former colonel in the IDF, who for 5 years ran the Israeli civil administration in the West Bank, is presenting them with an accurate view of Arab opinion is amazing.
I'm sure anyone posting links to propaganda pieces from Al Jazeerah or the Electronic Intifada would be quickly condemned, and the articles ignored.
Nashwan, I see, so the Memri pieces are yet more Mossad/CIA disinformation designed to spur an attack on Islam? Not too different an opinion from that expressed by the people on the video clips, eh?
I assume you realize that most Muslim nations only have between 1 and 4 state-run broadcast channels, and therefore the impact of what is broadcast on those channels to the
umma is tremendous because there isn't exactly a wealth of alternative programming available, especially for the poor. Many of the clips in question where taken from the larger talk shows on the main channels, and from discussions I've had with people actually living in Iran, for instance, "this was just a Zionist conspiracy" really is what is being broadcast.
Look, I fully realize that I'm rather like Churchill in the 1930s, in being a lonely voice in the wilderness saying "these Nazis and this chap Hitler really are terribly dangerous and bent on world conquest," while the intelligentsia dismiss the threat and claim that the Germans are being demonized and misunderstood by "warmongers" like Churchill.
But please do me the favor of not saying this is "propaganda" on my part. I have nothing to gain and everything to lose personally by taking an unpopular stand and saying "its the ideology that's the problem." I don't go about claiming that all non-Christian religions are bent on violent world conquest, in fact I would catagorically deny that any other religion apart from Islam has the same kind of designs and orientation. Also, while I think Islam is a dangerous lie, I
do not hate Muslims, or wish them harm. My goal in vocally opposing Islam is mostly that our children and grandchildren might not have to choose someday between conversion, dhimmitude, or death. I have little hope that Europe will escape becoming part of the Dar-el-Islam - especially given that Europeans have no counter-ideology save nihilism and materialism, little or no will to resist, and aren't even replacing themselves in terms of population growth, but I still have hope for the USA provided they don't delude themselves regarding the threat or tear themselves to shreds first through political infighting.
In any event, while I am willing to live under Muslim domination and realize that someday I might have to, I have no illusions that it will be easy, that I will be more free to preach the gospel than fellow pastors do in the majority of Muslim nations where, for instance, non-Muslim religious assemblies, building new churches, or converting from Islam are illegal, or that my family will have an easier life as evangelicals.