I believe the opposite. The old AH1 system was better.
Report the kill as it happens, Him has kill Him 6 ,
where number is the kill number in this flight, landing or not.
This will help Many Chickens ,who now run for home, to stay
and fight because you have Glory for your kills landing or not.
Who cares for rank when all see who are you and what big hero you are ?
Points must be given for every kill landed or not.
Just add 50% more points if someone land the kills if someone want and needs
even the last point.
LIke this you will have again the big furballs of the past.
Every one will fight until he die. Running will stop.
A guy before said for text flood problems who indeed exist.
The solution is a second two line window Only for kills who can be dissapeared if you dont want it.
And even better make it open in a 6-8 line window to watch the kills,
if someone want to.