Hint for lining up your final run;
Get roughly aligned with target base, using the map. Go to a gun view, typically '5' for nose gun, then F3 for external view.
Zoom out for broadest perspective. Now you can see a very long way ahead. Use rudder (keys or pedals) while in the external view to make GENTLE course corrections until you're lined up as you'd like.
Then, move to bombsight and calibrate. You can also tilt the sight forward while in calibrate mode to get a closer view, and improve final corrections. Remember to exit calibration view before dropping.
Bomber Commandments;
Whomsoever wisheth to bomb with success, shalt plan aforehand.
Thou shalt check maps and establish an approach line that providest maximum targetage.
Thou shalt lift off from a rear base, preferably with altitude.
Thou shalt not carry more fuel than necessary.
Thou shalt remember to raise thy flaps
Thou shalt climb to 10K minimum, 15K+ better (near lunar orbit is not unheard of)
Thou shalt let thy speed stabilize
Thou shalt use E6B to verify calibration speed with actual speed.
Thou shalt use external views to improve line.
Thou shalt not forget to open the bomb bay doors, lest ye utter foul curses upon deaf electronic ears.
Thou shalt plan and set salvoes.
Thou shalt not dive bomb in heavy bombers, lest thou be forever branded 'dweeb' in the eyes of the Almighty.
Thou shalt look upon climbing fighters with glee, for thou art the arbiter of Gunpowder Justice to all those who climb six.
Thou shalt leave behind fire, destruction and leveled bases.
Good Luck!