Author Topic: How to use the bomb sight  (Read 3872 times)

Offline Sharky1116

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How to use the bomb sight
« on: September 28, 2006, 02:29:11 AM »
Iam just confused on how to use the bomb site correctly and to make the bombs hit accuratly on targets. Iam just wondering if anyone could enlighten me on the  best way to use the level bombers and the bomb site to hit targets correctly

Offline Obie303

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 03:46:31 AM »
1.  Hit F6 to get into the bomber's seat.
2.  Hit "U" to enter the calibration mode.
3.  Hit "Y" for several seconds to calibrate the bombsite.
4.  Hit "U" again to exit calibration mode.

For more help on level bombing go to

Good luck!:aok

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I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.
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Offline Schatzi

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 11:50:05 AM »
Most important is constant speed and altitude while calibrating (same speed/alt as when droping).

Make sure you up at a field thats far enough from target so you can get to the altitude you want to bomb at. The higher the longer the climbout but the less chance of getting jumped by a higher fighter. Make sure you have at least a sector (25 miles) of level flight to get your speed constant. Decide on a delay and salvo setting (dot commands .delay ## and .salvo ##).

Line up on target (i usually zoom map in fully and use a paper to "project" my current course). Then throttle back to about 80% and wait for your speed to settle. Enter bombsight and calibrate (hold Y for at least 10-15 seconds for better accuracy). Note the "calibrated speed" in the upper left corner of bombsight, double check this with your current speed in your E6B (on the clipboard). Make adjustments to your lineup if needed. Then recheck speed and altitude (current and calibrated, also in upper left corner of bombsight). Make sure neither is more then 1-2 off mark, if needed recalibrate.

One note on the bomb bay doors. When you open them, they add a lot of drag to your plane, and you will slow down considerably. You basically have two options: either open them before you let speed settle - youll have to be careful on your secondary fire button then, or youll accidentally drop. The other option is to open it a split second before drop - this doesnt work when you want to hit multiple targets in one pass though.
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Offline Goomba

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2006, 12:15:11 PM »
Hint for lining up your final run;

Get roughly aligned with target base, using the map.  Go to a gun view, typically '5' for nose gun, then F3 for external view.

Zoom out for broadest perspective.  Now you can see a very long way ahead.  Use rudder (keys or pedals) while in the external view to make GENTLE course corrections until you're lined up as you'd like.

Then, move to bombsight and calibrate.  You can also tilt the sight forward while in calibrate mode to get a closer view, and improve final corrections.  Remember to exit calibration view before dropping.

Bomber Commandments;

Whomsoever wisheth to bomb with success, shalt plan aforehand.

Thou shalt check maps and establish an approach line that providest maximum targetage.

Thou shalt lift off from a rear base, preferably with altitude.

Thou shalt not carry more fuel than necessary.

Thou shalt remember to raise thy flaps

Thou shalt climb to 10K minimum, 15K+ better (near lunar orbit is not unheard of)

Thou shalt let thy speed stabilize

Thou shalt use E6B to verify calibration speed with actual speed.

Thou shalt use external views to improve line.

Thou shalt not forget to open the bomb bay doors, lest ye utter foul curses upon deaf electronic ears.

Thou shalt plan and set salvoes.

Thou shalt not dive bomb in heavy bombers, lest thou be forever branded 'dweeb' in the eyes of the Almighty.

Thou shalt look upon climbing fighters with glee, for thou art the arbiter of Gunpowder Justice to all those who climb six.

Thou shalt leave behind fire, destruction and leveled bases.

Good Luck!  :D

Offline badhorse

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2006, 06:41:46 AM »
I was told that when calibrating the bombsite you have to hold the crosshairs steady on a point on the ground in order to get an accurate callibration. Not just push "U" then hold "Y" a few seconds.   Which is the case?  Do you have to hold the crosshairs steady to calibrate?
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Offline Schatzi

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2006, 07:15:25 AM »
Originally posted by badhorse
I was told that when calibrating the bombsite you have to hold the crosshairs steady on a point on the ground in order to get an accurate callibration. Not just push "U" then hold "Y" a few seconds.   Which is the case?  Do you have to hold the crosshairs steady to calibrate?

That was how it worked in the past (back in version 2.06? memory gets foggy with age....) Back then, you had to hold the cross steady for speed calibration.

With the current version of AH, do NOT move the Joystick during calibration. Speed/Alt get calibrated automatically, and moving the crosshair wont help, im not sure if it doesnt even throw calibration off.
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Offline SKJohn

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2006, 10:42:12 AM »
Originally posted by Goomba
Hint for lining up your final run;

Get roughly aligned with target base, using the map.  Go to a gun view, typically '5' for nose gun, then F3 for external view.

Zoom out for broadest perspective.  Now you can see a very long way ahead.  Use rudder (keys or pedals) while in the external view to make GENTLE course corrections until you're lined up as you'd like.

Then, move to bombsight and calibrate.  You can also tilt the sight forward while in calibrate mode to get a closer view, and improve final corrections.  Remember to exit calibration view before dropping.

Bomber Commandments;

Whomsoever wisheth to bomb with success, shalt plan aforehand.

Thou shalt check maps and establish an approach line that providest maximum targetage.

Thou shalt lift off from a rear base, preferably with altitude.

Thou shalt not carry more fuel than necessary.

Thou shalt remember to raise thy flaps

Thou shalt climb to 10K minimum, 15K+ better (near lunar orbit is not unheard of)

Thou shalt let thy speed stabilize

Thou shalt use E6B to verify calibration speed with actual speed.

Thou shalt use external views to improve line.

Thou shalt not forget to open the bomb bay doors, lest ye utter foul curses upon deaf electronic ears.

Thou shalt plan and set salvoes.

Thou shalt not dive bomb in heavy bombers, lest thou be forever branded 'dweeb' in the eyes of the Almighty.

Thou shalt look upon climbing fighters with glee, for thou art the arbiter of Gunpowder Justice to all those who climb six.

Thou shalt leave behind fire, destruction and leveled bases.

Good Luck!  :D

Are you sure your handle shouldn't be "MOSES"?:aok

Offline LTARokit

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2006, 11:30:23 AM »
Originally posted by Schatzi
With the current version of AH, do NOT move the Joystick during calibration. Speed/Alt get calibrated automatically, and moving the crosshair wont help, im not sure if it doesnt even throw calibration off.

Wow, didn't know it could throw ur calibration off...:confused:   I still use the "old ways" and haven't had any problems, to include holding cross hairs on fixed object, and have a reasonable success rate.  he he, I still bring up clipboard and click on target for target alt, at the end of calibration..............he's all good.

Everytime I try the "New Ways" of calibration, I generally miss my targets (go figure lol).  So in my case ......"if it ain't broke.............."

That's ok,  remember the good ole days when ya had to take cross winds into consideration any time above ??15k  lol  (or was it 10k?)


Offline Goomba

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2006, 11:11:28 AM »

I always thought commandments sounded best in that 'Thou shalteth, knoweth, doeth, ...-eth Olde Englishe language.

Makes everything sound so much more ponderous and'd almost think I had a clue!  :D

Anyway...I make myself laugh, so tis' good enough for me!

Offline DustyR

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2006, 10:12:52 PM »
The calibration works, but i usually use a K184 to bomb with, the problem being I usually get zapped before the bomb drop by a waiting fighter or I blow myself out of the air with my own bombs.  Go figure sorta of a caught 22 situation.:noid
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Offline fuzeman

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2006, 10:19:13 PM »
Would it be possible for a Trainer to list what the current setting is for 'FlightModeFlags' in the Training Arena?
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Offline RTR

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2006, 11:28:10 PM »
Given the "new" way to calibrate and the "old" way to calibrate....I believe, through experience, that the longer you hold the cursor on a set point the more accurate the drop is.

 So, for me, that aspect hasn't changed. I hold position (with my stick relative to a point on the ground) for as long as I can. Generally 10 to 20 sec's depending on time allotted.

I also bomb from 20K plus. Course and speed set up very early. Bomb doors open early enough to stabilize speed before cal and drop.

This way I can hit what I want to hit  (most times). It's possible to kill all FH and the VH in 2 passes on a small or medium field.

I'm surprised that Buff pilots aren' in huge demand to tell ya the truth. A dedicated Buff pilot is an angel sent from heaven when you want to run a map.

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Offline LTARokit

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2006, 02:07:02 AM »
Originally posted by RTR
Given the "new" way to calibrate and the "old" way to calibrate....I believe, through experience, that the longer you hold the cursor on a set point the more accurate the drop is.

 So, for me, that aspect hasn't changed. I hold position (with my stick relative to a point on the ground) for as long as I can. Generally 10 to 20 sec's depending on time allotted.

I also bomb from 20K plus. Course and speed set up very early. Bomb doors open early enough to stabilize speed before cal and drop.

This way I can hit what I want to hit  (most times). It's possible to kill all FH and the VH in 2 passes on a small or medium field.

I'm surprised that Buff pilots aren' in huge demand to tell ya the truth. A dedicated Buff pilot is an angel sent from heaven when you want to run a map.



Offline Schatzi

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2006, 05:36:45 AM »
Originally posted by RTR
So, for me, that aspect hasn't changed. I hold position (with my stick relative to a point on the ground) for as long as I can. Generally 10 to 20 sec's depending on time allotted.

You do *not* need to hold the cursor in place. Apparently it doesnt hurt to do it either, though. The accuracy of your calibration solely lies in the long tim you hold down Y (and the constant speed/alt). :)

PS: You can check accuracy of calibration in the TA with the lead computed bombsight. When the green cross is exactly in line with your gunsight cross, calibration is good.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 05:40:18 AM by Schatzi »
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Offline LTARokit

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How to use the bomb sight
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2006, 09:48:16 AM »
Originally posted by Schatzi
You do *not* need to hold the cursor in place.

PS: You can check accuracy of calibration in the TA with the lead computed bombsight. When the green cross is exactly in line with your gunsight cross, calibration is good.

Heck Schatzi I know ya don't have to do it the old ways.  We have several excellent bomber pilots in the squad that tell me the same, and that follow the new procedures.  Seems as though every time I do try the shorten methods........I miss my targets.  Go back to the old ways.......:) ........hit every time:aok

Would like to do some test runs in the TA though...........what's the command to bring up the "Green Cross Hairs"?