For anyone interested out there here is my jungle tree pack.
I made 2 versions: hi res and lo res.
By using lo res version you get 10 fps more than with hi res, but textures look blurry a bit when zoomed in alot.Both versions have 2 LODs.
hi res lo res Instructions:
Jungle is made from 2 objects- trees and bushes.In OE place the trees object(jnglgrp) and then in the same place put bushes object(jnglgrp2).That way you get a nice jungle with higher trees creating shade for lower bushes.
There is a bug with oe converting nocollide tag.So when you put the Jungle tile you've made in OE in TE, you will also have to put junglegrp and jnglgrp2 objects somewhere on the map in TE.
You are free to use these trees but please mention me in credits on clipboard map or motd.