I agree that there should be some type of tangable reward for Mr. Doobs demise during the game.
Also knowing your affection for Mr. Doobs I had our planner place his squad into the finiest rides this fram could provide........ The Hurri MKI:D
Also I have coordinated for some "special" fuel addtivies to be provided to the JG-44 aerodrome prior to take off
Just between you and I every time they pull hard on their sticks the hurri will stall out:t
One last point, I have it from a very, very reliable source that someone within his very own squad may very well do him in during the next event. I was told that "axe-I-dents" do happen on busy run-ways.
If all else fails I recommend a blinking transponder visible on the clip board map screen be attached to his call sign so that the IJN forces may locate him more easliy. I'm sure a little coordination with the CM staff could take care of that.
Viper 61