Author Topic: Delivering Cargo and Supplies  (Read 1722 times)

Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« on: October 14, 2006, 01:00:44 AM »
newb here, with lots-o-questions:

Was in live battle for 1st time.  Helping at a base that was under siege.  Read on web site how it is necessary to deliver supplies which helps – ammo, fuel, and apparently also relates to repair time.  The details are complex and I am still learning.  I have read much of the help on the ah2 web site - so much to remember

No one has been in the training area that can help with anything other than dog fighting, which I am discovering is only a small part of this very complex game.

I am practicing with the C-47 – would like to learn how to deliver supplies and such to be useful in the live combat zones.  Anyone willing to help with my training?  Also, any tips or instructions on how to drop off the cargo?

One other thing I noticed in the live combat, when a base is in a bad way there is very little in aircraft left to use to defend the base.  I tried to fly to the base under siege from the nearest friendly base – and it took FOREVER – is this part of the normal game play?  I could have put on auto pilot and went to watch TV for 20 minutes while it was in transit there, and running out of fuel was a problem too.

Again, looking for tips, pointers, and advice.

Thanx all!

Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 02:00:42 AM »
Dropping supplies

I go into auto pilot  'x'

Then open bomb doors 'o'

Then drop cargo  or men 'b'

Does it matter how close the stuff drops to the base?

Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 03:37:36 AM »
Okay whats the point of turning around and going back + landing after a dropoff?  I cant seem to refuel.

Is there any penalty for choosing 'End Sortie' and then jumping in a fresh plane back at the supply base?

Offline mQuinn

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2006, 04:00:46 AM »
1) Supplies must hit concrete to be effective.

2) Supplies must be dropped while parked on concrete or dropped on conrete from over 800 feet to be effective.  

3) Returning to base will increase your score for the drop.

4) There is a reload pad at the end of each runway.  You must park on that to reload.  It has a big yellow circle on it.

Offline FBplmmr

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2006, 06:32:44 AM »
Originally posted by mQuinn
1) Supplies must hit concrete to be effective.


:huh  seriously?

Offline Dichotomy

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2006, 08:15:46 AM »
Originally posted by roach
Okay whats the point of turning around and going back + landing after a dropoff?  I cant seem to refuel.

Is there any penalty for choosing 'End Sortie' and then jumping in a fresh plane back at the supply base?

you can't end sortie while in flight so you have to either crash, bail, ditch, land, or get shot down, for this to work.  You get more points for landing after a sortie and, while I could not care less about points, I always try to land regardless for the 'immersion' factor.  

The flights between bases do take some time but this can be useful in climbing to a reasonable alt, setting yourself up for the fight, bs'ing with friends on channel, etc.  

good luck
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Offline SlapShot

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2006, 08:50:03 AM »
Field supplies and troops ...

They can be delivered with either an M3 or a C-47.

Troops in an M3 ... drive the M3 into or near the town, open the door, and let them go. When capturing a town, the preferred method is to drive right up to the map room and let them out. This lessen the ability for the enemy to shoot them. I don't know the exact distance, but troops can be released outside of the town and they will run right to the map room.

Field supplies in an M3 ... You don't have to be on concrete for them to take. It's preferable to be on concrete. When you arrive at the base, open the door, come to a COMPLETE STOP and let the supplies go. Wait for it to disappear and then land to get perk points. Again, I don't know the exact distance, but field supplies can be dropped within a certain distance of the field and they will take.

Troops in a C-47 ... They can't either be dropped or you can land the C-47 near the town. When dropping troops, you must be AT LEAST 800 FEET ABOVE the current ground level ... if a base is at 1.5, then you must be at least at 2.3 to drop troops and have the parachutes open properly. If you don't drop them high enough, the chutes wont open in time and they will die. If you land the C-47, get as close to the town as possible, open the door and kick them out, they will run to the map room.

Field supplies in a C-47 ... Again, they must be dropped at least 800 feet above ground level for the chute to open properly. Drop them over the field as best you can, when the crate lands, it will disappear and the field has taken them. The simple fact that it would be extremely difficult to drop them only on concrete is the reason why ... field supplies don't need to be dropped on concrete. You can also land the C-47 (on the runway or any part of the field) and drop the field supplies and they will take.

There is one other option on troop delivery ... the Jeep can carry (I believe) 2 troops ... so one would need to make 5 drops or get a bunch of jeeps together and all drop for a capture.
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Offline Schatzi

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2006, 08:50:22 AM »
Supplies must be dropped from at least 800 feet altitude and at speed below 200 mph. They must be dropped inside a 1 mile range of the structure that is to be supplied. (the terrain tiles have a side lenght of 1 mile, so anywhere on the base is good).

I usually come in low and fast to the base, then over the point i want to drop on i make a steep climb (ideally straight up). As soon as im slow/high enough, i drop. Dont forget you need to open bay doors.

When the base is not under immediate attack, you can also LAND the C47. But the gears need to be undamaged to still be able to drop. Also make sure youre at a complete stop.

For M3/Jeep, just make sure that youre completely stopped. Then open doors and drop.

If you turn back and land your plane after dropping only has effects on the points you recieve for the sortie, nothing else.

As for training... when are your usual online times? You can contact the trainers via email Let us know when youre available and what your ingame name is - one of us then will come back with you and schedule something.

Apart from that, keep doing what youre already doing - ask questions, read on the help sites ( also a great adress, as well as the trainers site and most importantly - enjoy yourself in the game!

Welcome! :)
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Offline SlapShot

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2006, 08:57:16 AM »
Originally posted by roach
Okay whats the point of turning around and going back + landing after a dropoff?  I cant seem to refuel.

Is there any penalty for choosing 'End Sortie' and then jumping in a fresh plane back at the supply base?

Properly landing after dropping troops or field supplies only helps in getting the full amount of perks earned. In the case of a C-47, if you just helped capture a field, the new base may not have troops enabled, so if you want to continue to help with the next base capture (if that is what they are going to do), then it would be best to land at the base and re-supply for your next sortie.

To refuel and resupply, go to the very end of a runway and look for a concrete pad that a little building on it and it also has a yellow circle painted on the concrete pad ... pull into the circle and come to a complete stop ... you will then see in the text buffer that re-supply will be completed in 30 seconds ... wait until you see another text message saying that the re-supply is complete.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2006, 05:35:54 PM »
Thanks very much, I read though each response carefully.  

When I drop troops with the c47 I open the bomb door and then hit "b" (fire secondary) and they drop.  I was carrying troops in the jeep, which does not have doors, and when I pressed "b" nothing seemed to happen.  I'm still not sure how to unload from the jeep (or vehicle).  Driving between bases takes much longer though, I think I will have to use a second computer and play another game while waiting :P

This information is great though.  As for my online times, it is difficult for me to schedule, I jump on between jobs.  I own a business and am on-call status also.  

Thanks again.  I'm sure I will have more questions.  I am trying to experiment and figure out as much as I can on my own too.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 06:17:17 PM by roach »

Offline Tigger29

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2006, 05:53:53 PM »
The trick to unloading troops or supplies from a ground vehicle is that the vehicle must be completely stopped before letting them go.. or they will just disappear.

C47.. yes over 800 feet above ground level, and less than 200 mph.  Right over where you want to drop them just climb straight up and let them go.

On an AIRFIELD, drop troops over town, or supplies over the base

On a vehicle field or port, drop troops AND supplies over the base

Usually if I plan on taking the base, I'll fly around (clear of enemy planes) until we get the base, then just land there and up another (or if troops are disabled I resupply there).. you can resupply troops, but not field supplies.  There really isn't much point to flying back to the base you took off from.  If I feel there's a reasonable chance I'm going to die anyway, I'll fly my goon straight towards enemy planes and draw them away from the base (goons are like magnets to fighters) and give my guys a chance to get on their tails.  Yes I'll die, but it usually scatters the hoardes.  Even if you die, your troops will continue their march towards the map room (as long as you released them beforehand)

If I feel I can, I'll try to land my C47 (also known as a GOON) next to the town.  When you can hit F3 to get an overhead view of the plane to make it easier to maneuver between buildings and all, and you can get that goon right up the the maproom if you're careful.

If I'm bringing supplies to the base, I just land it on the runway, let the supplies go when I come to a complete stop.. then end sortie and get my landing and my points, but of course you can't ALWAYS do that.

ALSO don't drop troops from a very high altitude.. they take forever to parachute down.  If you drop from 25,000 feet it takes over ten minutes, and by that time either someone else has taken the base, or the town has come back up already.

OH!  also.. in order to take an air base, *ALL* town buildings and town ground guns must be destroyed (except for one large black warehouse on the edge, which is indestructable).  When you have troops, make sure you get a couple people on RANGE to verify all the buildings are down before you let go of your troops, because if even one building is up your troops will die as they enter the map-room.

Hope this answers some questions for you!

Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2006, 08:33:26 PM »
(1.) I pulled my goon over a reload zone, and that worked great.  But I was facing the building, and couldn't figure out how to reverse engines and taxi out backwards.  What's the way out of this situation?

(2.) I landed the goon, completely stopped (but left engines running) and opened door, then fired secondary.  The crate came out (I was watching from external view) and a chute opened even though I was on the ground.  Then the chute disappeared, and the crate disappeared in sort of a small puff of a cloud.  Did the airfield accept the airfield supplies?  How can I verify it?

(3.) When a player bails out of a damaged aircraft, and is on foot, is there any way to acquire a new aircraft without ending sortie?

Offline 68Dougal

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2006, 08:53:38 PM »
1.) Don't pull up facing the buildings:aok There's no reverse, so you just have to be very careful when pulling onto the rearm pad.

2.) Yes, the supplies took. If they don't take then they just disappear without the explosion and smoke.

3.) No, but it's still fun to wait at the end of an enemy runway and shoot the planes that are taking off. A few shots in the canopy and they explode. Or, if you are defending a base, you can run to the maproom in the town and kill the troops as they run in.
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Offline roach

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2006, 09:25:18 PM »
Originally posted by 68Dougal
3.) No, but it's still fun to wait at the end of an enemy runway and shoot the planes that are taking off. A few shots in the canopy and they explode. Or, if you are defending a base, you can run to the maproom in the town and kill the troops as they run in. [/B]

Someone today was asking to be picked up after they were shot down.  They were on foot.  So you are saying it isn't possible, not even with the c47?

Offline Schatzi

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Delivering Cargo and Supplies
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2006, 03:48:55 AM »
Originally posted by roach
Someone today was asking to be picked up after they were shot down.  They were on foot.  So you are saying it isn't possible, not even with the c47?

Yes. Impossible.

The second that you bail, the kill is awarded to whoever shot you. Also, its determined if you are over enemy or friendly territory and get a capture/bailed successfully (which influences the amount of points you get for the sortie). What you do after that (running around, or even shooting things) will have no effect on points or ranking.

If youre not sure the supplies took, you can go to HANGAR after the sortie and check if you got perk points awarded for the drop. (in the last sortie category).
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