I have a linux firewall and I use the tool pmfirewall to configure ipchains on my firewall. I have tried many permutations of the chain rules to open up UDP access to AH (in hopes of increasing performance). My PC is on an internal network (192.168.X.X) and is MASQed through to the outside world.
Has anyone done this and do they have any ideas/suggestions?
Here is a sample of what I have tried:
ipchains -A input -p udp -s <AH server IPs> 2000:2999 -d <external network port on firewall> -j ACCEPT
I have tried many variances on this. I have even tried tweaking my output chain to allow udp to the AH servers. Each time I connect to AH, a few seconds pass, then a message "not able to update, switching to TCP" occurs. I notice in the tcpdump logs that the server tries to do something via ICMP but I haven't been able to figure out what.
If no one is able to help it is ok, the TCP connection is stable with very little variance (except the occasional spike). I am just trying to improve network connectivity.
Also, I have to admit, AH is one of the smoothest running online games I have ever played. Even my squadmates who connect via 56k dial-up say the experience is enjoyable and relatively lag free (even with RW running).