Author Topic: "Squealing" sound of diving plane  (Read 681 times)

Offline Phil

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« on: October 22, 2006, 03:01:18 PM »

Your new sound patches are awesome ! I'm impressed !

What about the high pitch sounds of diving planes ? M'not the ones from diving Stukas.
The sound of a plane goin' for the deck ! The sound of high rev of the prop(s) ?
Viewed many "replays" of furballs and head ons. The sound details are extremely well done. I'm surprised the game techs weren't able to implement that detail.
I hope I explained myself right. The sound you hear when watching black and white documentation programs on TV and when you see a "doomed" plane about to hit the deck, you can hear the high picth/ squealing sound...)


Offline Airscrew

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 03:51:10 PM »
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 03:55:30 PM by Airscrew »

Offline Phil

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Doomed plane sound when diving....
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2006, 09:20:35 AM »
Yep !
The 1st patch is the one.....
Is this sound included when enemy plane is going for the deck ?


Offline Airscrew

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2006, 11:48:23 AM »
No as far as I know this sound is on none of the sound packs.  I dont think it can be duplicated in AH the way sounds are setup.  
i remember reading something a long time ago about this particular sound, something along the lines is that its not a real sound.  Its either a "made up" hollywood sound for dramatic effect, or else was something about this sound is created by a compression of sound waves in denser air and a doppler effect or the air speed at the prop is at mach,  it cant be duplicated in AH because there is no air.

if you look at your sound files, you have eng start wave, eng wave, and an eng stop wave.   the eng wave file is tied to the throttle position.  I dont think there is any to link a sound to "ok plane is in a 20% dive play dive wave.

Offline Dux

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2006, 11:54:18 AM »
That diving plane sound is mostly a Hollywood thing... apart from the engine over-revving (which AH does) the aircraft should not sound like that.

Most of that "documentary" footage was redubbed to be more interesting to audiences. All that guncam footage where you could hear the bullets hitting and the targets exploding... do you really think that guncam film was wired for sound?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2006, 12:42:25 PM by Dux »
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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2006, 12:18:33 PM »
I could write a little treatise on how sound could be better utilized in AH, but I will say that it currently isn't too bad.  The issue is complex though.
The main problem is perspective.  When making an engine sound for a plane/vehicle in AH, one has to choose whether the source sound is ' how it would sound to the pilot' or ' how it would sound to a bystander on the airfield (for instance).  These are two very different sounds.  The bystander is hearing a very complex relationship of direct and reflected sound as well as an ever changing doppler/localization effects.  The pilot is hearing a rather constant engine roar with no doppler/localization.  AH allows for only on engine sound per aircraft, therefore the sound developer has to choose which perspective to use.  

Many of the sound sets made for AH utilize engine sounds that are distant perspective recordings.  These seem to sound a little more real to the 'bystander'.  Recordings of this type are by far and large the easiest to find.   AH (or I suspect Direct3D as implemented in AH) actually does attempt to simulate localization/doppler effects.  This is why we do hear pitch change and panning positions in relation to the aircraft flying around us.  The problem is that the real-life situation is more complex than Direct3D is able to simulate.  Therefore, sound that have a distant perspective as source material sound more real to the bystander.  My preference, however is for the 'pilot' position to seem most real (as that is where I spend most of my time) at the expense of optimal realizism when I'm in the tower or ground position.  

Could go on ad nauseum...but will stop now  :)


Offline Apers

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2006, 12:25:32 PM »
Fun Fact: The distinctive wail the Stuka made was done by flight crews attaching  large whistles to the craft.

Offline Phil

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AH sound is awesome anyways....
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2006, 08:04:48 PM »
Thanks guys....

As initially stated, the new sound files are awesome and very satisfying when flyin'.
Thanks for your input !
As for the TECH guys, keep up the good work !

Offline Nemeth

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"Squealing" sound of diving plane
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 09:46:25 PM »
There is one way of making the "over-reved" sound  instead of putting wind sound effects in for "wind.wav" put in the highpitched sound, or do what i do and combine the two sounds into a mono format.  Just a suggestion...