Zuum, on the off chance that you honestly just don't get it....
This is HiTech's home. It is not a public place, so his handling has nothing to do with Mr. Putin's unfortunate handling of free speech. Think more about what it would be like to have an incessantly whining, complaining neighbor who keeps dropping by and going on and on and on about the city council's latest meeting....
If that happened to YOU, it wouldnt tak eyou long to tell that neighbor that he wasnt welcome, adn doing so wouldnt make you a dictator!
I've never seen HT squelch someone for disagreeing with him. When posts get edited, its for the WAY the person presented himself, not the disagreement itself.
It's enormously clear what you think, and what you want. Shouting it louder wont help, and getting obnoxious will hurt your cause. HT has explained directly and indirectly why he disagrees with you....and if you keep shouting louder, you can expect to get the "nuisance neighbor" treatment.
And it wont be HT's fault that it happens.