Author Topic: trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing  (Read 497 times)

Offline aqhawasi

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trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing
« on: November 01, 2006, 12:46:52 AM »
This is an "all in one" post regarding some of my latest questions.  If you could provide some valuable insight, I would very much appreciate it.  Also, I am a big believer on RTFM, and so I've read almost every article, "white paper", and/or post regarding the above topics before deciding to post.

Trim - I understand it. I use it.  I have yet to make effective use of it on stall fights.  Does anyone here actually actively use trim when stall fighting? What are the main reasons to do so?  What are the advantages?.  I mainly use it for pulling out of bad dives, landing, when on WEP, etc. but find myself too busy and preoccupied with SA and other controls to actually do anything with it during a stall fight (or one with speeds below 200 which a lot of people agree as combat trim not being terribly effective).  Thoughts?

Zoom - I played around with using zoom to fine tune my shooting when engaging enemies, but I am not sure I am sold.  Anyone here actively use it to good effect?

Lead gun sight - How do you turn it on for offline practice to shoot the drones over the base?  So far, I've only been able to turn it on in the TA and only works with friendlies which is not terribly useful for me.

The 109 family - I can see some differences between the 109F4, 109G2, and 109K4.  What exactly is the point of the 109G6 and 109G14 except maybe marginal gain on weapon lethality and the ability to carry gondolas (which the G2 can do anyway)?  There is an actual performance decrease after the G2, until you get to the K4 (

Dive bombing - Been flying the Ju-87 occationally to get rid of nme gvs; however: a) my bombs have not been exploding (dropping them too low?), and b) gvs seem to "dissappear" at an annoyingly low altitude of around 2K and so it is hard to line up and dive correctly.  Being a frequent airplane flyer, I know I can see cars from pretty high up in the sky.  Is this a bug or "feature" in AHII?

Sorry for the long post.


Offline Spatula

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trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 03:18:42 AM »
Hi Peru.

Trim: AH2 uses a auto-trim called 'Combat Trim' or CT. Its enabled by default, and most people never turn it off. The basic premise is its effectively sets your trim close to nuetral for the speed your currently doing. Its a pretty simple table-based algorhythm from what i understand. Its designed to free the pilot from having to constantly trim the aircraft as the speed incr/decreases when your fighting. I wont get into the mechanics behind why we have it - someone else can fill that in, there is a very valid reason. The key problem with CT is due to its simplicity. While its helpfull for most of the time, it's not as helpfull when your at the extremes of your flight envelope (in this case either really slow or really fast). So for this reason, and some just prefer to do it themselves, some people turn it off and have to manually constantly trim. Some people claim to get better slow-speed turn performance and control with manual trim, and i think you do, but it does take a lot of extra effort and another learning curve. For most people its just not worth the extra bother, depending on their 'style' etc - eg BnZ types hardly ever get into stall-fights etc. Some A/C seem to require more manual trim attention than others (109s seem to need a lot of trim attention). Some have best of both worlds, and have a button on their JS to turn it on when they need it, and manually trim other times when they feel it would hinder them. I am one of those types.
Also as you pointed out, its usefull to help pull out of extremely fast dives as well :D

Zoom: This is another some-do-some-dont kinda thing. If it works for you, use it. The people who dont do it, say zooming in restricts their SA and causes target fixation, and they say they're better shots with it off. I tend to use it, but only a very mild zoom - say 15% enlargement at the most, and i only use very quickly. More than being helpfull for gunnery, i find it more usefull to help see the attitude of your opponent's aircraft. I can tell with more accuracy if they're turning and where their lift-vector is pointing (eg tell where they're about to) - which is all very usefull. I dont find it limits my SA, but you have to be concious about not getting target fixated.

Lead Comp Gunsight: Only available in the Training Arena or a private arena (off line of 8 player if turned on in arena settings).

109s: Im no 109 expert, but your argument could well apply to any aircraft series. In the Late War arenas you can fly older 109s if you want, or older spitfires etc etc as well as the new ones. We have the other models for historic match ups and for the MW and EW arenas. But remember each were the best of their time for the job they were designed to do when they came out. Eg when the G2 entered service the K4 wasnt in service etc, and the G series was a step up from the F series etc. Also note just because the G6 is numerically after G2, it doesnt always mean its better in air-to-air combat. The different designations were not just to differentiate pure air-to-air combat performance levels. Some were low-alt variants, other recon variants, some intercepter variants, some ground-attack variants etc etc etc all having a different job and they were tailored for that job and got different designations accordingly. Some got different weapons packages to suit their roles etc. Yes the G6 peforms on average slightly worse than the G2 in climb, speed, and sustained turn rate but i assume they were not designed to do the same job; the G14 sits between the G2 and the K4 quite nicely - you really have to judge them on their relative merits not their designations.

As for dive-bombing - i dont know why your bombs dont explode. As for GV icon visibility issues thats a differnent issue from dive-bombing. I think its both a "feature" so that GVs stand a chance in the MA against the masses of aircraft flying all over the place, and partly due to the fact that most GVs in war time were camoflaged etc and i suspect that  they were actually quite difficult to spot from 3000 yards away.
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Offline Schatzi

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Re: trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 04:47:43 AM »
Originally posted by aqhawasi
Lead gun sight - How do you turn it on for offline practice to shoot the drones over the base?  So far, I've only been able to turn it on in the TA and only works with friendlies which is not terribly useful for me.

Dive bombing - Been flying the Ju-87 occationally to get rid of nme gvs; however: a) my bombs have not been exploding (dropping them too low?), and b) gvs seem to "dissappear" at an annoyingly low altitude of around 2K and so it is hard to line up and dive correctly.  Being a frequent airplane flyer, I know I can see cars from pretty high up in the sky.  Is this a bug or "feature" in AHII?

Sorry for the long post.


Lead Computed Gunsight (LCG):

Offline or in the TA.
When using it offline, you need to enable it in the Arena Settings first OPTIONS > ARENA SETUP > ENVIROMENT > Arena Settings - FlightModeFlags. If you dont want to change it each time, you can simply click on SAVE to save your Arena Settings... the DEFAULT button always gets you back to start if need be. In the Arena Settings you can also mess with the Ammo count, a very useful thing to do if you want to practice your gunnery.

To highlight a Red Icon, just select it with TAB (make sure Friendly Lock is OFF). If you want to target green guys, youll need to "Enable Friendly Lock" first with CTRL_TAB.

Dive bombing:

Yes, dropping bombs too low will keep them from blowing. They need about 1000 feet of travelling through air to arm (this will prevent you from blowing yourself up - blast radius!).
Another note on dive bombing. Dont use rudder to correct aim - bombs will follow your flight path, not your fuselage axis. Rudder only yaws the axis, but has little effect on flight path.
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Offline parin

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trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 01:59:00 PM »
I llike to zoom quickly to check opponents flap settings.
Wgr 21 works great!

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Offline Schutt

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trim, zoom, lead gun sight, 109s, and dive bombing
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 03:45:46 PM »
Hi Peru,

I usually dont zoom in since it the other plane is maneuvering in any way then when i need the zoom for shooting i find that i am to far away. But sometimes when the other plane is verry steady (hanging near stall or going straight) i try to hit with zoom.

The G6 has better MGs than the G2, so it has a better hitting power with the mgs. The mgs in the G2 are verry weak.

The G14 has pretty good power at low altitudes and has gondola options, bomb and can take a 20mm in the nose. So it has an option to be used as attack plane which the k4 doesnt have.

Historical my book says the G-2 had no pressurised cockpit, which the other G variants in AH2 had. That makes no diffrence to an ah2 pilot currently. Also it says they came out in that order (E4,F4,G2,G6) only the G14 and K4 were issued pretty close to each other and used simultaniously, they had a diffrent focus. With the others while overlapping in service it was usually one phasing out and other one comeing in.

Combat Trim has the advantage that it always keeps the plane straight and neutral, but that is also the disadvantage.
Since it constantly changes the trim it also changes the way your applied stick position affects the plane, so it gets inconsistent which is a disadvantage.
Also when a plane flys slightly out of trim its harder to hit.
I think flying combat trim is perfectly acceptable, the advantage of manual trim  to pull out of a dive can still be used.

ciao schutt

Offline troon

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Dive Bombing
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2006, 05:06:56 PM »
What i have found most effictive dive bombing GV is come in about 5k and enter about a medium dive. The tricky part is when to relases it. I like to relases it about 500 feet above and behind the target which satisfies the 1k elavation requirerment. This all require praticing offline bombing drone GVs. For dive bombing, i woldent use a ju87 because it has a one big bomb. I personally like the A-20 for GV killing because you have 8 bombs capible of taking out GVs while the ju87 only has one.

Also another key element for GV killing is knowing where your target is. Do a pass over the target to get a relative location of it.

Hope this help