Author Topic: <<S>> Simaril  (Read 3167 times)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #75 on: November 07, 2006, 08:33:34 AM »
Ok..let's get some points straight here...

The strat girls may be defending the base but... where are the strat girls defending the oh so important and dangerous CV?   That was my point..  I never see them defend these "assets".  If the CV is such a bona fide base killing machine then the strat girls should be using it to capture and defending it with a bulldog grip...  high cap and all that rot eh whot?

They not only don't but... they can't.. they are incapable.. it is not only too easy to kill but beyond the skill level of the strat girls to defend anyway...They can't defend anyting unless the attackers are as skilless as them or... furballers happen to be there thinking it is a fight.

As for furballers ruining the fight for the strat girls.... puuulees... not possible...  even if it were... we aren't griefers like you.. we wouldn't do it.

Point is that the mouse weilders are not defending... only hitting easy targets that either are griefer targets or attention grabbers or...  milkrunning...  The game does allow em to do it.   the so called strat even rewards it to some extent (I fail to see the reward in such a simplistic daisy chain but,).

The game is set up so that even the most spastic mouse wielder can "make a difference"  some squads are gaming this by gathering whole clumps of said spastic mouse weilders and griefing and milkrunning... even if the greifer isn't in a squad...

The squads influence him... he sees them doing it and them defending their actions and believes that he has every right to do the same.  It is not the furballers who are the bad influence on the game and the new people who join...  It is not the furballers doing the griefing.

The griefers think it is allright because of the strat squads all acting like timid gamers and griefers.

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<<S>> Simaril
« Reply #76 on: November 07, 2006, 09:39:43 AM »
not so lazs.  the furballers will easily ruin the strat game play.  yesterday I upped from 51 seeing a large red dar bar coupled to a bitty green one.  I upped from 51.  I found swillie up and defensive against 5 cons and a few GVs.  we dispatched the cons easily and pounded the GVs into dust.  this cycle continued until I logged off for supper one hour later.  the result was the Bops were frustrated in their attempt to capture a base by basically three guys.  sadly the only good fight was against nobaddy who was also in a 109.  the stratters are just so much 109 cannon fodder even in woobiecanes.  but the thing is we ruined their game play, we fought.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #77 on: November 07, 2006, 02:01:34 PM »
I don't know if you are kidding or not...  but...

What you did is defend.. this is what the mouse weilders claim to be good gameplay... they constantly go on about how much fun it would be if the furballers would defend.

If you took out GV hangers or ord... you would be a strat player... not a furballer ruining their gameplay.

Are you saying that any resistace to the milkrun is considered griefing the strat girls gameplay?

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<<S>> Simaril
« Reply #78 on: November 07, 2006, 02:09:19 PM »
gauging the 200 text buffer taunts from the Bops the answer is yes.  but you are correct it was basically being defensive as there was no fight to speak of except two against nobaddy.  the rest were pretty much shooting drones.

Offline soda72

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« Reply #79 on: November 07, 2006, 07:37:34 PM »
When furballers fight the horde....


Offline Grits

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« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2006, 08:50:53 PM »
LOL...I forgot about that one Soda, I'll have to go back and look at the raw AH film, but I think there were something like 27-28 Knights there and I was the only friendly airborne. I dragged about 20 Knights out over the water because I thought the barge was a goon low on the water. :rofl

Offline Grits

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« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2006, 09:00:46 PM »
Just checked the film...26 Knights and one Rook (Me).

Offline soda72

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« Reply #82 on: November 07, 2006, 09:03:50 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
Just checked the film...26 Knights and one Rook (Me).

Yeah, was checking old film footage and ran into that one...

it was hilarious,  


[edit] there were so many red icons, it looks like a blob on film chasing you...

Offline Angry Samoan

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« Reply #83 on: November 09, 2006, 04:24:44 AM »
Awww yes
A fallin Angel

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #84 on: November 09, 2006, 09:19:09 AM »
LOL Storch is SOOOOOOO full of **** his eyes are turning brown!!! LOL:rofl :rofl    

  To hear him talk you would think he was the savior!!   This is great!

  As far as taunts went he started taunting the 3 maybe 4 of us BOP's that were on at the time (warning BOPS are now so good at what we do that 3 or 4 of us is now a horde) LOL.    We think he is upset cause we said he can't join us :)

  Really for a FURBALLER Storch pays waaaaaay to much attention to the strat game and is constantly whining over it and taunting those people who are playing it.  

  Anyway we started by fending off an attack on one of our bases and that seemed to work. Then we started hiting the Vbase to the south. A panzer was there and he smoked my T34's turret and began chasing me around the forest..

 The panzer (I think his name was Wet) and I were having a good conversation on 200 wile he tried to hunt me down and at the same time KCboom I think it was snuck a goon in and snaged the Vbase..  Wet and I had a good laugh at this :)  
   some time during this the Rooks had managed to sneak the airbase away from Bish to the north and while I was defending the freshly taken vbase some other Bish snaged the Rooks airbase just to the east..

  Then the fun began and Storch started going off on what he called milk runners and BOP's. I don't see how this aplied as the bases were defended and we were having a good lil fight with the rook strat players.  

 Then rooks managed to get the Vbase back and I uped an M3 to try geting it back and another bish had a M8 roling in and deacked the base.   A 109 was circling around and started passing over head trying to get a shot at me. Finally I ended up trying to run through a clearing and he came in. I smoked his engine but my lil old 50cal was no mach and poof I  was dead.  And what did the death message say??   Storch has shot you down LOL :rofl  Then he got himself shot down by the M8.
   Sorry but I had to make some comment about his oh so UBER fighter SKILZZ after that lol.  

After that I took a tiger out at the airbase to the east and started defending the base.  Went out to the town and Cofncrnr's Osty took 2 good hits from my tiger befor he finally died and we ed each other and made some friendly comments..  All the wile interspersed with the not so friendly but kinda funny comments by storch...  Then he laughed that our bases troops had been hit and that he was going to come over to kill the ord and there was nothing we could do about it LOL.  Yup he needs thos awsome fighter skills to hit the ord.    

  Any way that is pretty much how it happened. I really think Storch has a hard on for the BOP's or would have after he gets his sex change...  He really wants to be a BOP but we just can't let him in as he is now. ;)

  Storch I really don't have a problem with you playing the base capture/strat game with us. I just wish you would not be so hypocritical and just do what Lazs seems to be doing for the most part and just ignore the war and fly your lil fighter plane in what ever furball you find and stop having a cow about people who are playing the war game.  Also learn what a milkrun is and isn't.

  Oh and one last point I looked at the Arena #'s at the time and they were almost = all the way around with 30 or so per side.

  EDIT:  I also find it funny that Storch was calling the Bish/BOP's milk runners but the rooks were taking the same bases we were fighting over.  To hear him talk we were in some distant uninhabited land rolling over every thing in our path LOL.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 09:26:25 AM by Flayed1 »
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<<S>> Simaril
« Reply #85 on: November 09, 2006, 11:44:41 AM »
flayed. as I stated in game I decline to join your squad.  thank you for the invitations but I don't like any of your members and I don't like the way you guys play the game.

with regard to the post you just made, you confuse that fight where I repeatedly killed you and your members with the an earlier fight in the EW where I repeatedly killed your members.  I know it must be confusing for you since whenever I log on Bops die and their undefended base capturing attempts go sour.  try to keep your defeats in order.

If logging on and finding you guys to squash is strat then I'm a strat player.

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #86 on: November 09, 2006, 11:53:02 AM »
Ummm repeatedly killed me???   I can only recall 2 times now in the last few months where we have actually encountered each other where you have killed me and in this last example it was my M3 VS your 109 LOL.. Get over yourself...

 Also you don't KNOW any of our members... You are assuming you don't like any of us.  You may not like the way we play but don't go saying you don't like us personally untill you have actually met us..   I don't really like the way you play or post but I'm not gonna go saying I don't like you personally untill I have actually met you..   For all I know you and Lazs and others that I have had issues with on this forum might be good people with a not so nice forum personna.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 11:59:59 AM by Flayed1 »
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #87 on: November 09, 2006, 02:18:59 PM »
flayed... I have never said that I don't like any of your squad guys on a personal level...  I believe that falc and viper are wound way too tight maybe and waaaaay to pompous but...

I have had some good interaction with some guys I later found out were bop's when we furballed together...  I simply don't like the way most of you play and the rule that you have about switching sides which I think is bad for the game.

If I interact with a field capture it is not on purpose and I have no interest in ruining your time in the game except to lobby for some of the more easier elements to grief to be changed.

I think the way you play the game is bad for the game but... not my call.

I think the recent changes were good for the game and improved the enjoyment for a lot of people by lessening the effect you and your squad and their ilk had on being able to ruin the experiance for me and my ilk.

In general... the less the two styles interact the better for my crowd.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #88 on: November 10, 2006, 02:48:01 AM »
Welll Ummm just let me say WOW:eek:..   Lazs that has to be the nicest post twards any of my posts or me that I have ever seen you do.  

    Really I think we could all coexsist to some degree in the ew arena.. I think the best furballs and base takes are there but nobody seems to want to play in EW..   I spent all day in EW today from around maybe 8am to 1am mountain time. I know it's sad that I have this time but I do so :p )  and the arena didn't get much over 30 people alllll day..... Sigh......

  In EW it takes more people to take a base when there are enough people defending... I'm talking abour bombers fighters and GV's all working togeather..
  It could be fun for all but there are so few that it either becomes a lil furball or a milkrun.. :(. I had a few good furballs while trying to take a base tonight and a real hard time taking the base because we were short of people to take the base while we were fighing or the other way around.  

   In EW I think the furballers could find fun even if it was defending against a take because there are more actual fighers there instead of the oh so common Jabo....   Furballers could fight with the fighers that come in trying to clear the air for bombers to hit town rather than the LW standard of fly in heavy hit town and vulch....

  I'm not saying you would want to do this all the time I just think EW could provide a better mix than the cruddy LW arena.

 Problem is how to get more people in EW????    New planes?? I don't know but all I remember is when the change first came about everyone was in EW and there were huge fights and strat play going on all at the same time. Then everyone trickled over to LW and it went back to mini MA again... :(
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Offline Overlag

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« Reply #89 on: November 10, 2006, 09:35:16 AM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
  In EW I think the furballers could find fun even if it was defending against a take because there are more actual fighers there instead of the oh so common Jabo....   Furballers could fight with the fighers that come in trying to clear the air for bombers to hit town rather than the LW standard of fly in heavy hit town and vulch....

in a dream world that would be.....i keep wishing.

i kinda wish MA towns had 2x as much buildings.... but to be fair, in MA that would only lead to suicide lancs...... :(
« Last Edit: November 10, 2006, 09:37:35 AM by Overlag »
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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