Author Topic: Close Escort November - Tour Six: Sicily  (Read 418 times)

Offline BlkKnit

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Close Escort November - Tour Six: Sicily
« on: November 04, 2006, 02:57:47 PM »
Close Escort Tour Six
Frame One of Operation Husky: the Invasion of Sicily

Sunday, November 5th 1500 hours (3 pm est)
The missions for frame 1 will set up as follows:

B26B’s escorted by P38G’s, P47D-11’s and a few Spit IX’s will lift up from Malta (A118) and make an attack on V12 on the central southern coast of Sicily. Percentage splits of allied pilots will be as follows:
B26B = 30% (maximum available in mission will be 8)
P38G = 30% (maximum available in mission will be 12)
P47D-11 = 20% (maximum available in mission will be 12)
Spit IX = 20% (maximum available in mission will be 8)

- The P47 has been added as I have found evidence of the P47’s participation in the invasion preparations.
- The Spit IX has been added to interest our RAF inclined participants and to help even the playing field a bit (there were US pilots flying these aircraft in this area....unless I misunderstood what I was reading).
- The P40E was dropped as it has been determined to be far behind in capabilities compared to the axis fighters (though it had an important role here).
- All destructable items at V12 are valid targets.

Will launch a defensive air group out of A11 made up of the following aircraft:
C202 = 30% (maximum available in mission will be 12)
C205 = 10% (maximum available in mission will be 4)
Bf109F-4 = 20% (maximum available in mission will be 8)
Bf109G-2 = 10% (maximum available in mission will be 4)
Bf110G-2 = 30% (maximum available in mission will be 12)

- I am trying to push the use of lower capability aircraft by the axis
- I apologize to the Finnish pilots as they will be unable to all fly the same type (unless they choose the 202 or 110 perhaps). I just want to avoid a fight with all 205’s and Gustavs.

Hope to see you there!

Once a Knight is Never Enough