FriKOTH lasted an unusual 5 1/4 hours and had a very good turnout of 30 participants. The unusual length was due to the CM making a few repetitive errors, fuzeman takes credit for that. It was a long one going sixteen rounds with six Wabbits although not were able to stay until the finish. Two new KOTHers were welcomed, Golfer and Ka1e, and I hope you had a good time.
Congratulations and to Ka1e for the win! Very nice performance for winning first match and KOTH in same day. Ka1e chose the F4U-1 for next month’s ride.
Round by round results:
___1. Golfer in a D3A1
___2. SkyChimp in a P-38J
___3. SkyChimp in a P-40E (Wabbit)
___4. WMLute in a Bf 109K-4
___5. Biggles in a Hurricane Mk. I
___6. Golfer in a A-20G (Wabbit)
___7. Biggles in a Me 262A-1 (Wabbit)
___8. piterkO in a Hurricane Mk. I
___9. Ka1e in a P-51B (First KOTH match win)
__10. Krypto in a P-38L
__11. piterkO in a Spitfire Mk. VIII (Wabbit)
__12. fuzeman in a Fw 190D-9
__13. Ka1e in a Yak-9U (Wabbit)
__14. AKDogg in a Spitfire Mk. I
__15. AKDogg in a Bf 109F-4 (Wabbit)
__16. Ka1e wins it in a F4U-1
Tournament Of Champion invitations are extended to:
KOTH: Ka1e
Wabbits: AKDogg, Biggles, Golfer, piterkO and SkyChimp