Author Topic: detail settings (Dang It!!!!)  (Read 952 times)

Offline WMLute

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« on: November 17, 2006, 07:34:58 AM »
It seems that more settings are tied to the Object Detail slider now.

If I jump into a ship gun, I can no longer see where the rounds land (water splash, dust puffs etc) UNLESS I crank up the Object Detail Slider most of the wat to the left.

For those of us on a mid/low end systems, this is a crippling blow.  It isn't cool to have to suffer slideshow FPS if we want to man a ship gun, or field ack.

I have said for a long time now that things like that should not be tied to Object Detail, like field ack.  Having to be almost on top of the Ack to see if it's up, or to aim at it is hardly fair to those of us with mid/low end systems.  

What is with the bias towards only those players with high end systems and why are only they allowed to see things at a distance like Ground Vehicles, Field Ack, and all other items tied to the Object Detail slider.  Not sure why we are being punished, but I am sure not happy about it.

These things (gv's, field ack, etc) didn't used to be tied to that setting, and you could SEE the field ack from a distance.  Now, only some people can.  It's not a "feature".  ALL players should be able to see these things from the same distance.  In WW2, it wasn't as if only SOME pilots were able to see the target, and others had to dive down to be able to.  I have NEVER understood the reasoning behind setting it up this way.  There should be a level playing field in some things in this game.

I am sure there are other things tied to it that I have missed, but this one change has really disheartened me in a large way.

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 07:37:31 AM by WMLute »
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Offline Simaril

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 07:59:07 AM »
I doubt it's a bias. More than likely, it's hooked to some other change and this is an unanticipated effect.

It would make sense that data point information (like dot visibility, and target hit flashes) should be visible at the same distance for everyone. The price on low end systems should be detail, not info. (ie cartoon looking sprites).

It wouldnt seem fair that aircraft dot distance should be tied to the range at which the trees get individual leaves. Important game information shouldnt be on the same slider as eye candy!
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Offline uberhun

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 08:00:21 AM »
I concur with Lute on this one.
I went on a boming mission lastnight, boy was I suprised when I started calibrating for target and could not see any field detail.:mad: :mad: :furious

Offline straffo

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 08:12:16 AM »
That the first time I see a bug labelled as a bias :)

Offline BugsBunny

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Re: detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 08:42:21 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
It seems that more settings are tied to the Object Detail slider now.

If I jump into a ship gun, I can no longer see where the rounds land (water splash, dust puffs etc) UNLESS I crank up the Object Detail Slider most of the wat to the left.

For those of us on a mid/low end systems, this is a crippling blow.  It isn't cool to have to suffer slideshow FPS if we want to man a ship gun, or field ack.

I have said for a long time now that things like that should not be tied to Object Detail, like field ack.  Having to be almost on top of the Ack to see if it's up, or to aim at it is hardly fair to those of us with mid/low end systems.  

What is with the bias towards only those players with high end systems and why are only they allowed to see things at a distance like Ground Vehicles, Field Ack, and all other items tied to the Object Detail slider.  Not sure why we are being punished, but I am sure not happy about it.

These things (gv's, field ack, etc) didn't used to be tied to that setting, and you could SEE the field ack from a distance.  Now, only some people can.  It's not a "feature".  ALL players should be able to see these things from the same distance.  In WW2, it wasn't as if only SOME pilots were able to see the target, and others had to dive down to be able to.  I have NEVER understood the reasoning behind setting it up this way.  There should be a level playing field in some things in this game.

I am sure there are other things tied to it that I have missed, but this one change has really disheartened me in a large way.

(film avail upon request)

There is no bias.  What you call mid systems are actually pretty high end for every other game.  I'd go with bug or not very efficient coad.

Offline Zanth

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 09:07:11 AM »
Any chance of some system specs to go with all that?

Offline WMLute

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2006, 10:09:53 AM »
I went with bias, as opposed to bug, as this is not new.

The ship gun bit is new, but things like Field ack viewable distance, and ground vehicle viewable distance, has been setup like this for quite a while now.

NEVER made sense that these things sould not be evenly viewable by everybody.

I just get really frustrated with each new update because I am able to do less and less.  (can hardly GV because zoooming in all the way causes a slide show w/ my FPS).

I always find some type of "work around" or way to get it handled, but I shouldn't have to.  EVERYBODY should see ground vehicles at the same viewable distance.  EVERYBODY should see field ack at the same viewable distance.  Everbody should be able to zoom all the way in a GV, and so on.

Should not be just certain players with high end systems, should be a level and even playing field on these basic things.
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Offline kamilyun

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2006, 03:45:51 PM »
Could the detail slider be made more accessable in flight?  It would be nice if at a critical moment (calibrating bombsight) you could very quickly increase the detail without having to go through the clipboard menus.

I almost always run mine at lowest detail, just b/c a burning field cripplies my mid/moderate system.  But trying to figure out what acks are up so that I can take them out and vulch is tough on low detail :D

Offline straffo

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2006, 04:01:56 PM »
Doesn't the shift+F4 toggle help to increase detail ?

Offline Krusty

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 04:20:25 PM »
Hrm... I was flying around and 5 people were asking me "Dude, can you see the CV??" and they were all closer to it than I was. I said "yes, I can see it" and none of them could. They saw the dots, the cons upping from it, but could NOT see the CV at all. Even when it was ON FIRE.

I have my sliders maxed out. I don't think they did.

The code needs to be checked, I think something slipped through the cracks. I also get below 20fps when I spawn at an airfield.

Offline kamilyun

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 04:25:25 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
Doesn't the shift+F4 toggle help to increase detail ?

Shift + F4 toggles ground view.  I use this to see trees when I'm close to the ground (landing, turn fight, bombing GVs)  When you are using ground view, you can still adjust the level of detail.  It would be nice if there was a simple key command to increase and decrease level of detail.

Offline Krusty

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 04:31:40 PM »
Shift F4 increases what you see, but decreases the range at which you see it. So it's displaying more per tile, but stops displaying tiles much much closer. Shift F1 ("full vis range") is much more effective for flight.

Offline hitech

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 05:25:40 PM »
Found the bug today. Is fixed for the next patch

Offline WMLute

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 07:02:12 PM »
Thanks HT!!!!

I noticed a few other things today flying.  Town buildings are strang shapes from distance when zoomed in.  Like the little square brown buildings were not squad, the formed an L shape.  And when zoomed in an nme Carrier from a pt boat, I could see the HANGER, but not the carrier.

Are these tied to the same bug?

Also, I have a question.

I have noticed that ground objects, trees, buildings, etc, are tied to Object Detail, and Ground Detail Range.

BUT trains are not.  I can see a train from waaaaaaaaaaay off.

Is it POSSIBLE to tie the field ack to the same setting?  (not gonna wish for gv's, but if I can see a train from that far off, one would think I could see a Tiger tank too)
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Offline hitech

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detail settings (Dang It!!!!)
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2006, 09:11:37 AM »
Yes WMLute was the same bug. Also had some wierd effects on things like boats and some other non terrain items.