Author Topic: Rush Tired of Lieing?  (Read 716 times)

Offline VOR

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2006, 10:20:18 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Not sure how you can call publicly agreeing with something that you actually disagree with anything but lieing.

Ever been in the military? :rofl

Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2006, 10:24:05 PM »
He's an entertainer, not a policy maker.  Name one news or entertainment source (or statistician for that matter) that doesn't selectively choose what they say or don't say in order to get their point across.

If Rush was in charge of anything or had a say in spending public funds on projects, then I would expect him to do "the right thing".  Not that any congressman actually does that, but that's my personal expectation.  As an entertainer, I expect him to be entertaining.  The fact that he is very successful at getting people like you all riled up by predicting where Democrats will make fools of themselves, and then pointing out where he is right, is entertaining as hell.  The fact that he thinks the republican party has lost it's sense of direction doesn't have much to do with his show.

All he's saying is that now the elections are over, he'll feel free to direct more of his attention back at the republican party instead of simply pointing out what fools the democrat politicians are.  He'll quit ignoring the dumb things the repubs have done.

That also doesn't change his basic belief that an incorrect or "lost" republican is still better than the typical liberal democrat who is right on track...  I'll take an incompetent republican over a competent democrat almost any day because although the republican might accidentally stray into the tax and spend mentality, the liberal democrat's entering argument is that I have no right to my own money and the government has the obligation to interfere with every aspect of my life.

That's what Rush is saying.  I don't see the lie in there.  He's definately been selective in his criticism and support, but lies?  What could he possibly be lying about since he doesn't actually DO anything or have any say in how the government is run?

Edit:  VOR is also right, and the military is a great example.  I'm currently in charge of planning a major theater exercise that I have personal concerns about.  Worse, my planning efforts will directly result in the expenditure of a few million taxpayer dollars and will direct the efforts of over 8,000 people over the next several months.  Does that make me a liar?  Hell no, I'm implementing decisions and policies made by people who are responsible for making those decisions.  Truth and lies has nothing to do with my opinion about our force structure, manning, budget, or exercise/operations tempo.  I shut up and do my best to make it happen, as directed.  I know where my loyalty belongs.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 10:28:41 PM by eagl »
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Offline midnight Target

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2006, 10:26:43 PM »
So you have to be a policy maker to be a liar? LOL... wow.

Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2006, 10:31:17 PM »
Not true MT.  You're deliberately twisting the discussion.

Rush always makes it clear that on his show, you're getting his opinion.  He could say that it's his opinion that the moon is made of green cheese.  That would make him wrong, but not a liar.

Read some of his past transcripts and you'll find him avoiding certain topics, such as the budget deficit.  Is he somehow a liar because he avoids those topics?

Remember, he doesn't make this stuff up.  He sees what goes on, picks topics to discuss, and then presents his opinion.  Where is the lie in that?
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Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2006, 10:33:38 PM »
Also, go back and read the edit: responding to VOR at the end of my previous post.

By your logic, I'm a liar, and so is every salesman on the planet who has ever attempted to show that their product is better than another product.  If one small part of the other product is better than theirs, then damn the overall product quality, the salesman is automatically a liar.
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Offline midnight Target

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2006, 10:34:18 PM »
I'm not twisting anything, you are ignoring the man's words completely.

He made cases for policy he disagreed with. He gave an opinion, but it wasn't his own... he said it was his own, but he is now admitting it wasn't. That is in fact a lie.

Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2006, 10:36:54 PM »
Actually, he said he was "carrying the water" for people who do not deserve his support.  You seem to be reading a lot into what he really said.
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Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2006, 10:38:45 PM »
By your argument, people can never ever change their mind about something because that means everything they previously said is retroactively a bunch of lies.

That's a load of bullcrap and you know it.
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Offline Donzo

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2006, 11:34:33 PM »
Originally posted by Stringer
Actually they followed the Karl Rove playbook exactly.  While it worked for a number of years, this election cycle changed and Rove didn't acknowledge the change.

:noid  maybe this is all part of Rove's plan for 08...:noid

Offline LePaul

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2006, 12:24:40 AM »
You have to recall, by MT and his pals on the left, anyone earning over $30k a year is wealthy.  And the tax cuts, well those only help the wealthy.  

Once you compute in their "logic", its quite laughable when they try to call others liars.

By all means, MT, keep swinging.  Maybe your liberal talkshows will come out from bankruptcy someday.

Offline Red Tail 444

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2006, 01:31:39 AM »
Originally posted by lasersailor184
I agree with Rush.   Rush is glad the republicans got burned because they didn't do it the way they should have.

The default mentality of all fascists is to blame everyone else when their own ill-conceieved and poorly executed strategic plans go awry.

 Hitler said nearly the exact same thing in '45, before he blew his head off. Don;t believe me? Googlt it.

We should be so lucky.

Offline eagl

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2006, 01:50:22 AM »
Redtail, remember that Rush has always been very nearly a "pure" republican in very broad terms of reduced government size and intrusion into the lives of citizens.  It wasn't his plans that went awry, and it wasn't his staff that deviated from the course.

If you were talking about the President instead of Rush, then your argument might have some merit, except that the President isn't going around blaming everyone else for the election results or the results of his policies.  Rush has never deviated from the core values behind his conservative political opinions, so holding him somehow accountable for people he has no authority over is ludicrous.  Painting Rush as a fascist who is busy blaming his minions for atrocities is simply beyond any shred of reality.

He gave a bunch of people credit who probably didn't deserve it, and he's come out and admitted that the republicans in office no longer appear to represent the conservative republican beliefs that were instrumental in getting them into office in the first place.  Sounds reasonable to me...  They used to represent his beliefs but deviated, and now he's not going to give them as much support based on the hope that they'll further conservative ideals and goals.

Remember, Rush will STILL support republicans over democrats in most cases because he and many conservatives are convinced that an incompetent republican is still better than an honest and competent democrat.  We can hope that an incompetent republican won't make anything worse, but a liberal democrat's stated purpose is to un-do everything that conservative republicans value.  From that perspective, Rush will not and should not change his tune.

Now (just as an example), if we could find ONE democrat who'd be willing to admit that their support for Slick Willie was a mistake and that the man who told the world that he did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski, no longer deserves their support because he deviated from the ideals that formed the basis for their support, then we'd be getting somewhere.  But I guess his behavior actually reinforced their belief that Slick Willie actually still represents EXACTLY what they think is right, and should get even more vehement support because of it.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 01:53:48 AM by eagl »
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Offline T0J0

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2006, 07:18:06 AM »
I listened to that show, he was quite clear in his reasoning and the logic was sound.... Your digging for a skeleton that isnt there on that statement...

Offline VOR

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2006, 09:48:52 AM »
Did somebody compare someone to Hitler again? :lol

Offline Gunslinger

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Rush Tired of Lieing?
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2006, 10:25:47 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
I'm not twisting anything, you are ignoring the man's words completely.

He made cases for policy he disagreed with. He gave an opinion, but it wasn't his own... he said it was his own, but he is now admitting it wasn't. That is in fact a lie.

Isnt' that a Debating?  Do debate teams get to pick their topics?  no  DO they have to agree with their topics to debate them?  no  Hence carrying the water for somone he doesn't really agree with because as he stated "the stakes are high"

Does this make him a lier?  no  are you grasping at straws here? yes and I can't figure out why, the republicans lost.