and filmed it.
I segmented out 3 clips to make it easier to download and cut out dead space....
1st) the Yak is really an interceptor in my mind (similiar to the pony or 190) not really a "dog fighter" like the spit. So it is an E fighter and needs to be flown as such.... is after a bounce of a spitXVI....I go back up and buzz in on a few cons egressing from the field. Since one is a spitXVI I "lock in" since thats the purpose of the clip. Now I have alt and E....realistically if you dont then you beat the other pilot not the spitty. I'm not a particularly good yak driver....but this should give you a decent idea of the right type of fight...
Couple things to notice....
1) I never ever actually turn with him
2) I dont chase shots
3) I forgo "chasing" to use the vertical and transition back to "lag" when
4) when the 190 buzzes me I'm already set up to egress....I've pushed the spitty as far as I can and am leaving him hanging....
He happens to auger, this type of manuever kill comes from pushing a guy beyond his comfort level with the plane and his opponent....
190 augers a bit later for a bonus...again getting him in fight he isnt used to... is a short clip of a la-7 defense right after the 190 goes in....good basic clip for defense.... should show a bit of how to fight yak in vertical....two things to note...
1) Do not get bogged down on any one con or chase.....
2)beware of IL-2's....personally I think both the plane and the people who fly it are total dweebs (much worse then spit or lala drivers:)) but no question the F3 supertailslide jockeys will chew you up....
Anyway hope this helps you a bit....