New version is available
Fixed in final 1.0 version:
- The .ac file name input doesn't need a ' marks any more.
- Added optional output .ac file naming dialog.
- The top 'world' group doesn't need anymore space after the comma.
- The 'loc' data is parsed, if it exists with .ac file object.
- Added the end note with output file name.
- Added error managing routines for the empty .ac name input, missing .txt file and missing object cases.
- Added some code comments
File naming
The .ac and .txt files must have a same name. The script will ask a name for the output file. If not given, the script will automatically give a 'C_(.ac file name).ac'
Group and Object naming
All group and object names must be individual. The object names are case sensitive between .ac and .txt files.
The script will combine only those objects, which are mentioned in .txt file. You can have an assist scene / landscape objects included to the .ac file.
Script testing
I don't have AC3D license so, I don't have that much interest to do a testing with complex .ac objects. The AC3D users can do that job, if interested about the script
'Code alla Spaghetti'
If the code is looking funny for you, I can tell the reason for it. I took my very first programming steps last April and since that I have been coding very occasional.