Author Topic: I Give Up!!  (Read 1034 times)

Offline Ductape

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I Give Up!!
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:11:56 PM »
I HATE posting in this forum. The reasons may be personal, but it keeps me from posting UNLESS I can't find any other way to fix my problem.
HERE is my problem:

For three days now I have been trying to log into ANY arena. I click the arena I want, making sure it isn't over cap, and wait for load into the tower. When I get to the tower, sometimes I get the "Host:Join Messages Will Display in Text Window" message.....and MOST of the time that's it.
Check the Roster......maybe 4 guys in.......most times its just blank....I can NOT move to any other tower, I can't go to hangar, nothing.
I have made no system changes lately. The trouble started AFTER the last update.....I have been trying for 3 days now without any luck.
Anyone else having this problem, or HAD it and fixed it?? I am getting close to the end of my rope.

First the arena changes....which I do NOT like....I never had a problem with TOO many people in arena....I come from the old Air Warriors for Mac days and you were lucky then on a VERY HOT night to get MAYBE 75 peeps. PERIOD.
That sucked. More peeps is target rich so I do not understand why they made these changes.....I can LIVE with that part of it....but if I can not get into the arena.........what good is it??

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 04:59:09 PM »
Ductape, are you using firewall? Sometimes after installing patches and usually each time a new version gets out, you need to reallow AH on firewall/AntiVirus.

PS: If you do not like these boards, try Emailing Skuzzy directly for Tech Support.
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Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 05:14:09 PM »
How long do you wait while in the tower?  It can take some time for all the updates to make it, depending on many factors (internet connection, background processes....).

When you press the "Refresh" button on the roster panel, it should start showing more and more players as the data is sent to your computer.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Ductape

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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 07:00:47 PM »
The text buffer never loads anymore......
I can hit refresh forever and nothing refreshes
eventually I lose the conection
when I have had problems in the past with the firewall, it wouldn't even allow me on the site without ok. I will try turning it off and see what happens.
As far as how long I wait......I have been playin either this or AW for over 10 yrs......I figure I wait a good amount of time. When I was just in here a few days ago and it loaded, and has almost ALWAYS loaded within a minit. If I don't even get a text buffer.....most the time now I don't. I havent seen any typed text for at least 2 days.....

I will try shutting down the firewall and see what happens.
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Ductape

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« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 08:26:14 PM »
Shut off change
I did get into training arena once
once into early war but nothing happened after 5 minutes
once into the smaller population ma and disco
went into most of the arenas once but usually never even got initial HOST message about join  messages. NOTHING at all happened.
Might try uninstalling AH and then re-installing
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Bucky73

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« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2006, 11:14:18 PM »
I'm having the exact same problems Duct is describing. I even TOTALLY reinstalled the game and it didn't help. I followed that up by defragging. Also I have no firewall turned on. Ping is running below 70 pretty much 99%of the time. Getting frustrated as heck. HELP

Offline Ductape

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« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 01:50:34 AM »
I seem to have fixed my problem for the time being. I have only done one sortie, which involved mass warping and very very bad web status charts.....but I did manage to die successfully, :eek: So things appear to be back to normal for now:rolleyes:
I completely removed the last version I was using, which contained one or two patches downloaded while loading into the game when the update patches automatically load. I downloaded and stored the complete new version containing all current patches. I then ran it, installed it and have run one sortie, bla bla bla.
Now I think back on it I had this problem once along time ago. Same thing. Everything working fine, come in one version of something downloading.....after awhile...once or twice....I had VERY similar problems. At that time I did the same fix, complete uninstall and fresh download of newest version.;)
I seem to be waiting a long long time before the roster updates in the begining, but once it did things seemed fine except for the MASSIVE warpage during sortie.
I am back in maybe I can tweak away the rest of my woes with time.:O
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Ductape

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« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 02:13:54 AM »
guess its back to the drawing board once again
I spoke too soon
I am once again experiencing the same thing
It also made me remember....I had loss of tcp switch to UDP or whatever message on only sortie I have done.:(
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2006, 06:36:38 AM »
Duct, take a look at your Task Manager, when nothing is running on the desktop, under the "Processes" tab.  I am curious about the total number of processes (lower left corner), and the CPU percentage being used (center, bottom).

Watch the above numbers for a mionute or two.  The total processes should be around 19 to 21 for a normal Windows XP system.  The CPU usage is a bit more critical and should be bouncing between 0 and 1 (maybe 2) percent like a heartbeat.

Did you happen to install IE version 7?  I have heard it is causing problems with overt CPU usage even when it is not running, particularly when you use third party toolbars.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline fireplug1111

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« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2006, 07:33:28 AM »
I sure hope they get this fixed..... I cant even get in the game anymore. I tried to reinstall it and it wont even do that. Now I cant even get in the game.......  I had a wide swing of pings going from 42 all the way up to 1098... Once I did get into the arena It would never let me do anything as the message bar wouldnt even come up, I couldnt change fields and it would stay on squad channel 101.  So I tried to reinstalled it and the game wont even do that?   What gives. It has seemed to get worse and worse over the last few days and now NOTHING.  Guess its time to go to WWII online....
  PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2006, 09:11:15 AM »
There is not much we can do about ping variations.  That is just Internet related and we have no control over the Internet.  It could be related to other things, but, in general, it is Internet related.

Also, if you cannot install the game, there is something else going on.  What happens when you try to install it?  Be specific please.  

Also, are you trying to install the game remotely, or from a download on your local drive?  Remote installation over the Internet will fail.

Installation problems are not related to anything we can "fix" in the game.  They are related to other things.  Such as anti-virus programs, spyware/malware programs, general Internet problems and so on.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Ductape

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« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 09:42:56 AM »
IE am still using sixsomething.

Task Manager:

I have 40 processes running.
My CPU is bouncing like you said....0-2 like a heartbeat.
Memory usage, right now, with Outlook Express and Internet Explorer running is--273 MB.....I have a little over a Gig total (1047856)..... and over half gig available (67100)

I have not tried getting in yet this AM, (we are getting our first day of snow here and things are a little crazy), but I did manage to get into the main arena and fly last night. I was however having connection issues. I kept getting Lost UDP Switch to TCP message. Sometimes it would disconnect almost immediately after the message, sometimes not.
I didn't see any warpage(that I remember) and things seemed to run ok, other than there seemed to be quite a pause between some mouse clicks. Like changing fields, going to hangar, O'Club, etc.

Thats about all I can think of right now. I will try flying again later this am when I get a chance but for now, its off to battle with the weather!:furious
~The pilot that flies alone, dies alone~

Offline Bucky73

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« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2006, 09:53:42 AM »
I did put IE7 on just a couple of days ago. I will try to take it off when I get home to work on my home(gaming) computer. That it the ONLY change I have done on that computer lately. I'm scratchin my head here.

Offline fireplug1111

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« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2006, 11:03:27 AM »
  I am trying to download the game from the AHII website as I have done the first time. It will load the game but when I click on the clipboard to go to an arena I.E. MW it will then load something for the first time. This is where it locks up and then it will sit there for about 3 or 4 minutes and then a HOST LOST comes up?

   I have read on here that other people are having the same exact problems im having.  This leads me to think its not a connection problem but a AHII problem.
   When I could  click on an airfield and click the NET STATUS it will have 2 blue boxes the bottom box  ( HOST I think it is ) it all over the screen almost like a heart beat on one of those hospital monitors.
   I am just trying to figure out why I can have no problems with my web pages and only with this game?

   Guess its time to cancel?
  Too bad its an awesome game.

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2006, 12:27:35 PM »
WEB pages do not operate in real time.  WEB browsers do not come close to taxing your computer like Aces High II or any good real-time flight simulator, would.

The host queue should be bouncing between 0 and 10ms all the time.  The variance is what you need to look out for.  It should be flatlined, after being the arena for a minute or two.  If it is bouncing about, then something is stealing CPU cycles from the game.

Connection issues will always be around.  Any given minute of the day, there are problems on the Internet.  You can bank on that.

If there was a problem with the game code which was causing connection problems, it would effect everyone, not a percentage of players.

Have you tried running a PingPlotter ( to the server IP address and see if something shows up?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 12:29:44 PM by Skuzzy »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese