Author Topic: Testing Capture system in LW orange today  (Read 36270 times)

Offline Quah!

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #855 on: December 04, 2006, 12:42:41 PM »
All your reply tells me is that your Mega squads are to big to organize so I say if that is the case then good riddens it was too big anyway.  But your still steamrolling bases, so why the fuss??  I'm just glad you guys cant run to another base when you hit a formidable defense. :aok

2 countries good, rolling plane set no good.

Offline TW9

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #856 on: December 04, 2006, 12:48:46 PM »
Originally posted by Edbert
My translations inserted.

Blah bla blah Blah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blahBlah bla blah  

The only thing truly missing is the whack-a-mole game we've been playing for the last 3-4 years.

well said Ed :aok
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline hubsonfire

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #857 on: December 04, 2006, 12:54:43 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Hate might be a little strong but I'll try to explain from my viewpoint.

It's more about variety.  For instance, go look at the orange map right now.  I can't because I'm at work but I'll bet that

1.  There is nowhere viable to become a lone defender at a port or CV base.
2.  The CV's are currently useless in attaining the current capturable targets eliminating the use of 8" guns.
3.  The CV's are not being attacked eliminateing the rest of the CV's usefulness.
4.  There is no way to disrupt enemy supply lines by taking a zone base, only by striking factories.  Once lost, there is no way to get your zone base back until it comes up on the line.
5.  There are no enemy bombers, nor are any bases taken close enough to your 163 base to make 163's a viable option.
6.  The vast majority of players are concentrated in 6 sectors eliminating the chance for 1 on 1's and killing frame rates for people with older machines (like me).  In fact theres probably not a viable location to find a 1 on 2 or 1 on 3.
7.  There are one or two milk-runners somewhere on the map unopposed as there is no need to oppose them, they can't "take" anything.  This should make milk-running MORE prevelent in the future.
8.  There may not be a viable option to use GV's at the moment (although there may be).
9.  At least one front is facing insurmountable odds with no options to re-direct the attack.

These are just a few examples.  I'm sure if I had time I could come up with more.  This is clearly more restrictive than in the past.  I agree that you don't lose everything and that some of what you lose you might get back as the line moves across the map but if you've lost your favorite part of play, then all you can do is hope that it's available when you are.

1:Single defenders only dissuade the milkrunners. In a well planned and executed attack, even a handful of defenders are gun fodder. Same as before.

2:Stang's Uber Spit/38/CV mission used a CV to land the troop carrying LVTs, with the fleet providing both shelling of the town and base, and the ack protecting heavy fighters getting in to the field, and also keeping the defenders occupied, who were trying to simultaneously sink the boats, kill the lvts, and defend their airfield. That mission would have been a miserable failure without the fleet. I've seen numerous other attacks use the CV for those same things, with similar results (we were defending, so of course we sank the boats and won the fight, but not without a prolonged brutal fight.)

3:Not true in any of my experiences. CVs are still valid targets, for the reasons listed above

4: I don't think the zone setup is in use on any other maps, and therefore haven't provided those same opportunities anyway.

5: I'm seeing 163s in the North, and seeing people land kills in them, so I have to disagree here as well. There was never a plethora of 163s until the 'war' was effectively lost in the past, so again, this isn't really a change.

6:Before the changes, the vast majority of players were at 1 or 2 bases anyway, with the rest either milkrunning, or hunting other milkrunners. Numbers at those bases may be higher, but the number of defenders is also higher at times, so that is mostly unchanged as well.

7:Milkrunning should never have been the primary tactic employed, but it was, as has been stated, the path of least resistance. I cannot consider the loss of the ability to perpetually avoid any and all opposition to be anything but an improvement. I cannot help but think that HT realized that milkrunning would become ineffective with these changes. I don't think he made a mistake or simply overlooked it.

8: GVs are as useful, as they have ever been, if not more. The combined forces attacks I have seen stand a better chance of being successful than they did before. Again, Stang's mission used this approach with good results, and I've seen several bases fall when attacked in this manner. Gets the tank guys and the plane guys working together. This is bad?

9: This is unchanged since AH1. The path of least resistance has always been popular with a certain player type. This has nothing to do with the recent change.

I could probably come up with some more counterpoints. The only thing that's changed is attacking the enemy where he isn't, and can't effectively defend, is the only thing missing. That's it. With the current setup, you need teamwork, you need effective strategies, and you have to be prepared to slug it out. If facing a numerically superior defense, you had better be prepared to get creative. That means more and better strategies, right? I'm still seeing a lot of folks trying to fight the war the way they always have, and it doesn't seem to be working (with the obvious exception of when one country has as many players as the other 2 combined, and even that doesn't seem to work as well as it used to).

Those are my observations at this point. I don't believe it's perfect yet (the lack of action by HTC regarding the extreme numerical imbalance frustrates me, but I know that Rome wasn't built in a day, so I'm trying to be patient). I think they're heading in the right direction, even if they haven't struck the perfect compromise yet.

I guess I should also state that the lonewolf approach is, or seems to be, dead as well. IMO, that's a good thing, because it means all this teamwork and strategy stuff is now true. You can't wipe out an attack single handed (the milkrunners can't just drop everything, run away, and find another undefended target), you can't pork a base in one run, you can't really do much of anything (obvious exception being bomber formations, who can still blow **** up and desolate a field, but need to be at alt to avoid getting turned into meat puree' by the typically much higher number of defenders). So, yeah, no milkrunning captures, and no lone wolfing. Teamwork, coordination, strategy... all the things lauded by the milkrunners, are now requisites, and not just misnomers for avoiding the bad guys.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 01:03:36 PM by hubsonfire »
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Offline Quah!

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #858 on: December 04, 2006, 12:59:00 PM »
1:Single defenders only dissuade the milkrunners. In a well planned and executed attack, even a handful of defenders are gun fodder. Same as before.

2:Stang's Uber Spit/38/CV mission used a CV to land the troop carrying LVTs, with the fleet providing both shelling of the town and base, and the ack protecting heavy fighters getting in to the field, and also keeping the defenders occupied, who were trying to simultaneously sink the boats, kill the lvts, and defend their airfield. That mission would have been a miserable failure without the fleet. I've seen numerous other attacks use the CV for those same things, with similar results (we were defending, so of course we sank the boats and won the fight, but not without a prolonged brutal fight.)

3:Not true in any of my experiences. CVs are still valid targets, for the reasons listed above

4: I don't think the zone setup is in use on any other maps, and therefore haven't provided those same opportunities anyway.

5: I'm seeing 163s in the North, and seeing people land kills in them, so I have to disagree here as well. There was never a plethora of 163s until the 'war' was effectively lost in the past, so again, this isn't really a change.

6:Before the changes, the vast majority of players were at 1 or 2 bases anyway, with the rest either milkrunning, or hunting other milkrunners. Numbers at those bases may be higher, but the number of defenders is also higher at times, so that is mostly unchanged as well.

7:Milkrunning should never have been the primary tactic employed, but it was, as has been stated, the path of least resistance. I cannot consider the loss of the ability to perpetually avoid any and all opposition to be anything but an improvement. I cannot help but think that HT realized that milkrunning would become ineffective with these changes. I don't think he made a mistake or simply overlooked it.

8: GVs are as useful, as they have ever been, if not more. The combined forces attacks I have seen stand a better chance of being successful than they did before. Again, Stang's mission used this approach with good results, and I've seen several bases fall when attacked in this manner. Gets the tank guys and the plane guys working together. This is bad?

9: This is unchanged since AH1. The path of least resistance has always been popular with a certain player type. This has nothing to do with the recent change.

I could probably come up with some more counterpoints. The only thing that's changed is attacking the enemy where he isn't, and can't effectively defend, is the only thing missing. That's it. With the current setup, you need teamwork, you need effective strategies, and you have to be prepared to slug it out. If facing a numerically superior defense, you had better be prepared to get creative. That means more and better strategies, right? I'm still seeing a lot of folks trying to fight the war the way they always have, and it doesn't seem to be working (with the obvious exception of when one country has as many players as the other 2 combined, and even that doesn't seem to work as well as it used to).

Those are my observations at this point. I don't believe it's perfect yet (the lack of action by HTC regarding the extreme numerical imbalance frustrates me, but I know that Rome wasn't built in a day, so I'm trying to be patient). I think they're heading in the right direction, even if they haven't struck the perfect compromise yet.

And I thought I was bored at work LOLH

Offline 96Delta

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #859 on: December 04, 2006, 12:59:53 PM »
Okay seems clear...we need a new kind of squad, a more focused and technically skilled force to surgically render target airfields impotent, break the enemy's will to resist and achieve total victory!

So lets do this...


SQUAD NAME: 'The Fun Police'
"What ya gonna do when we come to bomb you?"
(subject to change)

TYPE-PRIMARY: Bomber Squad (flying at least 2 bomber missions each evening)
SUB-TYPE: Fighters and JABO when not in Bombers.

OBJECTIVE:  To destroy (completely flatten) enemy bases in the path of advance 2-3 bases deep into enemy territory.

SIZE:  This squad will be limited to 50 players.

ORGANIZATION: 2 squadrons / 25 pilots each (75 bombers per squadron / per mission).  Missions may be divided up with one squad flying bombers and the other as escorts.

The squad will be open to members from other squads.  Formal membership in "The Fun Police" is not required and members of other squads will not have to withdrawal from their squad to join "The Fun Police."

Send me a PM with your in-game nickname and your e-mail if you are a Rook and are interested in participating.


To be sure you are going to Heaven when you die  CLICK HERE.

Offline Thrawn

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #860 on: December 04, 2006, 01:02:28 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
And how about more importantly, does the defending team in hockey not know where the goal is?  Didn't think so.

Yes, but they don't know if the shooter is going for the one hole or the five hole.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 01:06:29 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Kev367th

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #861 on: December 04, 2006, 01:07:10 PM »
Edbert -
This has nothing to do with taking undefended bases.

It is to do with taking a free flowing game and turning it into a psuedo "boxed" arcade game.

You can't take X until you've taken Y, only if you've taken or achieved W first.
Sounds like 99% of all the other boxed games out there.

Lets be honest, if a base is taken undefended whose fault is it?

All this means is that the people who were too lazy too bring their map up to check for flashing bases, have even less incentive to do it now.
Only need to check map now when a base is taken, and see whats next down the line,,,,BORING.

Perfect example -
 -- the map with the VBases that spawn into HQ

How many times have they been "snuck", usually fully up, when all it needs is one guy in an Osty to stop it.

Current idea is just a smokescreen/fix/band-aid (your choice) for the lack of small maps, nothing more, nothing less.

You can't compare AH to Ice Hockey, geez.
Ice Hockey -
2 even teams
2 goals
set time limits

Everything AH isn't.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 01:09:13 PM by Kev367th »
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
Asus M3N-HT mobo
2 x 2Gb Corsair 1066 DDR2 memory

Offline hubsonfire

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #862 on: December 04, 2006, 01:07:41 PM »
Originally posted by Quah!
And I thought I was bored at work LOLH

No, you're boring at work. ;)
++Blue Knights++

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Offline TW9

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #863 on: December 04, 2006, 01:16:15 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th

You can't compare AH to Ice Hockey, geez.
Ice Hockey -
2 even teams
2 goals
set time limits

Everything AH isn't.

u left out another thing AH isnt doing that hockey is..

losing its fan base
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline Laurie

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #864 on: December 04, 2006, 01:22:17 PM »
Originally posted by Boomer49
Think creatively.... the bases that can be captured, suppression of any air support base nearby or veh base so you can capture the target base, so IF you have enough people, thats 3 maybe even 4 battles on just one capturable base...really depends on how creative the group your flying with wants to be.

Think outside the box.

Jesus christ what is it with this think creatively bollox.

you cant think creativley or outside the box when the game restricts you into thebox. we did think creativley, but now you can't. get it in there, THERES NOTHING TO BE CREATED, it's physically impossible, you have two choices, not much room for creativity

Offline hubsonfire

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #865 on: December 04, 2006, 01:29:43 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
Jesus christ what is it with this think creatively bollox.

you cant think creativley or outside the box when the game restricts you into thebox. we did think creativley, but now you can't. get it in there, THERES NOTHING TO BE CREATED, it's physically impossible, you have two choices, not much room for creativity

Now that you have an objective, you have to figure out how to best go after it. This is where it becomes apparent that most of the talk of strategy, teamwork, and coordination was just that... talk.
++Blue Knights++

Proper punctuation and capitalization go a long way towards people paying attention to your posts.  -Stoney
I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline Guppy35

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #866 on: December 04, 2006, 01:35:22 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
Edbert -
This has nothing to do with taking undefended bases.

It is to do with taking a free flowing game and turning it into a psuedo "boxed" arcade game.

You can't take X until you've taken Y, only if you've taken or achieved W first.
Sounds like 99% of all the other boxed games out there.

Lets be honest, if a base is taken undefended whose fault is it?

All this means is that the people who were too lazy too bring their map up to check for flashing bases, have even less incentive to do it now.
Only need to check map now when a base is taken, and see whats next down the line,,,,BORING.

Perfect example -
 -- the map with the VBases that spawn into HQ

How many times have they been "snuck", usually fully up, when all it needs is one guy in an Osty to stop it.

Current idea is just a smokescreen/fix/band-aid (your choice) for the lack of small maps, nothing more, nothing less.

You can't compare AH to Ice Hockey, geez.
Ice Hockey -
2 even teams
2 goals
set time limits

Everything AH isn't.

So how do you solve it Kev?  Let's face it, much of this is a response to steam rolling of undefended bases by the team with overwhelming numbers.

What's the cure for the numbers game.  You have folks determined that they'll never switch teams.  You have folks determined that winning the war' is the only point of the game, which leads to people going with the horde.

At least in this situation the lower numbers team can mount some sort of defense.

People keep screaming about creativity.  There is no creativity to a horde.  There is a passion to reset the map as quickly as possible.  Hiding in the guise of creativity is the large number team being able to send the resources it has to all kinds of undefendable places.  Not undefendable because of ability, but undefendable because of lack of numbers.

This isn't about furballing or being anti 'toolshedding'.  It's about creating the best environment for the most people to have the opportunity to have fun in the game.

For that to happen there has to be some sort of equalizer to the playing field.  Horde warrior took the fun out of the game for lots of folks.  There is no great joy in getting vulched and pounded the second your wheels are off the runway, and for those who don't see racing to the reset as the aim of the game, how do you accomodate their interests?

Asking seriously btw.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Quah!

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #867 on: December 04, 2006, 01:57:08 PM »
   Okay seems clear...we need a new kind of squad, a more focused and technically skilled force to surgically render target airfields impotent, break the enemy's will to resist and achieve total victory!

Bingo Delt, and seeing/Fighting your bombers runs I would think would be akin to those long and drawn out HQ runs only now you are in the fight.

Now you have attacks like the mighty eighth and if one of your runs fail, so may your attack.   That's the spirit!  :aok

Offline derkojote23

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #868 on: December 04, 2006, 02:02:06 PM »
I do see the good and the bad. For GV takes it will be imposable if we have no Air cover and the air Bs around are all enemy. Id still rather HTC got rid of the V bases add 1 more VH to the small AF 2 to the Med, AF possibly 1 in the town and 3 to the L AF, with 1 in the town. GV bases are not defendable enough against Air. Since the GVs are not able to hide due to icons and the big black dot problem and the unrealistic bomb abilities the V basses are just useless.
 I like the Idea of forcing more teem play so far its not working but we will see. I hope it does work. But from a GV point of view SO FAR I’m not impressed.

Offline Thrawn

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #869 on: December 04, 2006, 02:14:51 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
You can't compare AH to Ice Hockey, geez.
Ice Hockey -
2 even teams
2 goals
set time limits

Everything AH isn't.

Just because you can contrast two things, doesn't mean they can't be compared.