Author Topic: Video Card Issues  (Read 341 times)

Offline 4XTCH

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Video Card Issues
« on: December 02, 2006, 05:10:03 PM »
<> All.

I'm probably suffering no less than anybody else in the game, and not sure of my current setup.
My FR'sre no greater than 60 and often drop to single digits when in close combat situations.
My MB while solid, is limited in that it is only a 2X/4X agp slot. and my Bus setting in the Bios is recognizing the 8X card as 4X max.
I've tried a number of different drivers including the Omega and the Catalyst and I end up with the black circle radar ring problem.
I roll back to the old drivers and it goes away.
This was supposed to be an upgrade from the Nvidea card I had originally purchased during my build, But I'm finding more issues than praises.
Any help out therre to increase my FR's??
Is this a Memory issue? I can go 2Gigs PC 2700 or 3 Gig PC 2100 Max.
What do you think would be my best options ?
Any Help at all would be appreciated.

Fighter XO 364th FG C-Hawks

Offline 53gunner

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 05:39:13 PM »
Im having all kinds of frame rate hell myself. Ive found if you post you dxdiag these guys can pretty much help ya with everything
Goto run - type "dxdiag" when it done doing its thing save it then post it in section here

Offline 4XTCH

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 08:31:30 PM »
Tanks 53Gunner.... will do

Offline Krusty

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2006, 09:34:28 PM »
Rename your Aces High II directory. Download the full installer. Install it anew. Copy your files from the renamed directory back to the new one. Delete the renamed directory when you're done.

This will help. It worked for me. It's worked (in the past) for others at various times. Sometimes little things from the patches add up and finally break the camel's back. A full, fresh, install is the best way to cure it.

If that doesn't help, post a DXDiag report.

Offline Skuzzy

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 07:30:14 AM »
The 'black bug' with the radar and other things is a result of having a 9000 series ATI video card, and using the latest ATI drivers.  Use the Catalyst 4.12 drivers and those problems will be solved.

All ATI drivers after that version will have that bug when using a 9000 series card.

Assuming a lower end 9000 series card, try setting the game's "Maximum Textures Size" to 256, in the "Video Settings" and see if it helps.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline 4XTCH

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 10:51:13 AM »
Thanks to all who responded.

Skuzzy..Krusty... 53Gunner

What a Great game this is to be able to get all the technical advice anyone could ever need.:cool:
Resolution in video settings were at 256

After much searching on the net I did find the 4.12 drivers, but before that I also found an ATI Driver Ceaner to wipe out any remnants of the old stuff that may have been left around. BTW this also works well for removing Nvidea drivers as well.
Installed them and ran the game but I was getting this frame stutter and weard lag again under combat situations. I've notice that my "ping" before
 entering the game is going wacky and jumping...Used to be a steady 31... now it jumps 47-64
Removed the 4.12 drivers and reinstalled the drivers that came with the card, but again, I'm gettin the same lag and frame stutters.
I will most likely to a fresh install... To many patches me thinks. As far as copying files, I will assume you meen Skins and terrains and any sound packs?

Again, I want to thank you all for your help

Fighter XO 364th C-HAWKS

Offline Krusty

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Video Card Issues
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2006, 11:11:38 AM »
Files to copy:

- Screenshots and any other personal files in the main directory
- ahiiterr
- sights (if you have custom ones set)
- films
- maps (if you have custom ones)
- missions (if you have custom ones)
- settings (important! Has all head positions and such!)
- squads (why re-download all those bitmaps?)
- skins (I have a lot of skin-creation files under this, but I also didn't want to re-download all the skin files that are used when the cache rebuilds)
- sounds (if you have custom sounds)