I'm trying to generate a SR-20 checkout exam to go over with everyone who wants to get checked out in 1. Any suggestions or additions to what is listed here, i'd be interested in yr opinion.
What is the wing span___________?
What is the distance from the tip of the prop to the ground_________?
What is the allowed maximum gross weight________________?
What is the empty weight of this particular aircraft_______________?
What is the maximum useable fuel in gallons_______? in pounds________?
What is the maximum payload with full fuel___________?
List of the V-speeds and airspeed indicator markings
Vne____ A/S marking_________
Vs____ A/S marking_________
Vso____ A/S marking_________
Vr____ A/S marking_________
Vx____ A/S marking_________
Vy____ A/S marking_________
Vfe 50%____ 100%____ A/S marking(s)_________
Vno____ A/S marking_________
Vpd____ A/S marking_________
Vo____ (maneuvering speed)A/S marking_________
Vg____ A/S marking_________
Max Demonstrated Crosswind_____ Is this the actual maximum crosswind permitted?
Systems and Airframe
What is the purpose of the aileron gap seal?
Where are the vortex generators?
What purpose do they serve?
What are the recommended tire pressures: nose___________ mains_____________
What material is the aircraft skin made of?
What material are the control surfaces made of?
Why must the aircraft be painted white?
Is the wing spar continuous tip-to-tip or are the wings separate?
Is the horizontal stabilizer a continuous or 2-piece surface?
What is the actual flap travel at 50%__________ 100%_____________ ?
Can the flaps be deployed assymetrically? Why?
How many master brake cylinders are there?
Where is the parking brake located?
What is the proper procedure if a door opens on takeoff?
What is the proper procedure if a door opens in flight?
EXTRA CREDIT: How many placards are there (inside/outside total)?
Fuel type_______ Total fuel capacity______ Total each tank_____
Maximum Useable Fuel_____ Total Fuel capacity at tabs_______ Total at tabs each tank_____
Is the unusable fuel weight/balance included in the empty weight?
How many fuel drains are there__________? Where are they located?
When does the fuel caution light illuminate?
If one tank has 10Gal and the other has 17gal, will the light go on?
When should the fuel boost pump be in the 'boost' position (list all)?
Oil type______ Minimum quantity_______
Is the oil weight/balance included in the empty weight?
Below what temperature does the oil bypass the oil cooler? Why is this important?
How many batteries does the aircraft have?
Where are the batteries located?
What are the operating capacities of each of the batteries(volts/amps)?
How many alternators does the aircraft have?
What are the operating capacities of each of the alternators(volts/amps)?
What is the MCU?
How does the MCU protect the alternators?
How many electrical buses are there?
Alternator #1 connects to which bus(es)?
Alternator #2 connects to which bus(es)?
Battery #1 is charged from which bus? Battery #2 is charged from which bus?
Which bus(es) are energized when battery #1 is turned on? battery #2?
Which battery is used for starting the aircraft?
Should the batteries be turned off in flight under normal circumstances?
Do the alternators require the batteries for field excitation to start operating?
Why is it important to know which bus the autopilot is on?
Where are the circuit breakers? Can the circuit breakers be manually "pulled"?
Why is it important to know that?
Why should you *not* be concerned if you see "ALT 2" on the annunciator panel during taxi?
Environment (heating/cooling/air flow)
How do you provide more heat to the back than to the front passengers?
Where does the hot air for the heater come from?
Which instrument(s) on the panel connect to the static system?
Which instrument(s) on the panel connect to the pitot system?
If you see the 'pitot heat' light on the annunciator panel, what should you check? Is this normal?
How is the engine primed?
What are the maximum cranking intervals for starting?
How do you determine there is fuel vapor in the fuel lines?
How do you deal with that on start up?
How soon should an oil pressure indication occur after start?
What is the primary difference between normal and hot start procedures?
How do you deal with the ALT2 light being 'on' after start?
What has to happen after startup and prior to taxi?
What are you checking when you bring the power lever up to the detent (pre-takeoff checks)?
What is the permissable RPM drop when testing the magnetos?
How is the engine cooled (3 ways)?
What would be the indications if the induction system is blocked?
How do you activate the alternate induction air?
What is the maximum takeoff altitude for this aircraft?
What is the maximum operating altitude for this aircraft?
Do you need oxygen to operate at that altitude?
Are acrobatics, including spins, permitted?
What is the recommended recovery procedure for a spin?
Where is the datum for this aircraft?
What are the fore and aft CG limits (at full gross weight)?
What are the fore and aft CG limits at a gross weight of 2900lbs?
What is the maximum baggage weight allowed?
Payload with full fuel__________? Payload with fuel to the tabs_____________?
With full fuel can you legally fly with 4 FAA standard weight (170lb) people on board?
Standard temperature, 7500 feet (pressure altitude), leaned to best power
power setting (MP) for 70% power___________? for 60% power_________?
fuel flow (70%)______/ (60%)_____? airspeed (KTAS) (70%)______/(60%)_______? endurance (with reserve)(70%)________/(60%)_______?
20deg Celsius, 10500 feet (pressure altitude), leaned to best power
power setting (MP) for 60% power__________?
fuel flow___________? airspeed (KTAS)________?
endurance (with reserve)__________?
Takeoff distance, sea level, max gross weight, standard temp, no wind
groundroll____________ over 50ft obstacle____________
Takeoff distance, 6200 feet, max gross weight, temp 25deg C, no wind
groundroll____________ over 50ft obstacle____________
Landing distance, sea level, max gross weight, standard temp, no wind
groundroll____________ with 50ft obstacle____________
Landing distance, 6200 feet, max gross weight, temp 25deg C, no wind
groundroll____________ with 50ft obstacle____________
How do you determine if an alternator has an overload?
How do you determine if an alternator has failed?
What equipment will be lost if ALT #1 fails?
What equipment will be lost if ALT #2 fails?
How do you disconnect the electric trim (2 ways)?
If there is an alternator failure, how long will BAT #1 last with everything left 'on'?
Will the auxiliary electrical fuel pump provide sufficient fuel flow if the engine driven fuel pump fails?
What actions are taken if there is an engine fire during startup?
What might cause the engine to become rough (list at least 2)?
What is the engine-out glide ratio?
If you are at 6000 feet, how far can you glide to a sea-level safe landing site (no wind?
For what reasons might the oil annunciator light come 'on'?
What situation(s) could you expect with a low oil pressure reading?
Where does the fuel light obtain its information?
Under what conditions will a low-fuel warning occur?
What is the procedure to handle a prop overspeed?
What is the emergency descent procedure?
What are 4 reasons to engage the CAPS?
What is the airspeed at which CAPS can safely be used?
What is the CAPS deployment procedure?