Author Topic: Changes to come.  (Read 31700 times)

Offline Charon

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« Reply #690 on: December 14, 2006, 02:10:46 PM »
I remember having unlimited non-stop fun way back in 1993 on SVGA Air Warrior with three countries that had no capturable fields and a little atoll in the middle that did have a few capturable fields. The CV's were anchored, too. No resets, just a constant battle to take the atoll.

It was simple. It was a blast.

Yep. That model worked really, really well for the range of player styles. Though air combat was still the primary focus, and base taking a means to the end. The suggested AH changes (capture path and 2 country percentages to win reset) should go a long way towards recreating this environment.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 02:16:46 PM by Charon »

Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #691 on: December 14, 2006, 02:19:47 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Airscrew Your a knight. To win you would have to have 90% of knight bases, 30% of bishop bases, 30% of rook bases.

well thats sounds pretty good.  No need for any single country to lose all their bases, and any bases you capture you need to keep.  No one country gets rolled up

(i still like my idea :cool: )

Offline Toad

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« Reply #692 on: December 14, 2006, 02:24:19 PM »
Charon, I'm not too sure that will happen.

In those golden years there was nothing really to "win" except the atoll and if a country took the atoll..........nothing happened. The fight went on. There was no "reset" to put things back on an "even" footing. There were no "perks" awarded for "distinguished service".

All that happened was that the other countries tried to take the atoll back. It was really the only option. The "reward" for "winning" the atoll fight was... more fighting. That's why it worked.

Even with the new system, the basic underlying problem remains. The reset will be rewarded. As long as the reset is the raison d'etre, the problems will be the same. It may take a while for the rats to adjust to the new maze but the end result will be the same.

Just my .02.
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Offline JB88

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« Reply #693 on: December 14, 2006, 02:30:24 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
JB88: If you even gave 1 min of thought to the changes we are making you would realize they can not be done in a beta fashion, because to find out the result to  any of it we need all the people playing.  

So you are just trying to find a reason to mud sling at HTC.


not true.

but first let me apologize for my tone.  i was angry and frustrated.   i feel that way, but i don't think that it has done any good to express it without my filter on.  you are a person who deserves the same respect as i do.   i hope that you will accept this as sincere.  

as i have said, i don't play any other game.  i like it, the people who play it, and i like the people who make it.  ive said before. alot.   my new goal in life is to learn how to fly a plane.  had i never seen that awful commercial my life would be different.

but i disagree that it could not have been tested via beta.   the new base capture system was almost that, but there just wasnt a large enough runoff in the second arena to account for those who might not be ready to participate.

if i am not mistaken, you are also doing outside testing on TOD (old name?) and i have seen pages and pages of people volunteering to help.

i like some of the changes that are happening.  i am not opposed to them at all, but it seems clear at this point that its been a bit more of a shock to folks than they would have liked.

as a subscriber to your service, i am opposed to the method.  that's all.  again, i love the game, but i feel that the heads up factor is lacking enough to cause me an inconvenience...and that the method  being used is creating a few impressions globally
1. that concern for customer satisfaction is secondary to the master plan.  this may or may not be true, but it is the impression that i have gotten at times.

2. that hitech creations is unwilling to expand it's PR and damage control approaches in it's actions to encompass the growth of a larger sized community and market which was less intimate the larger it grows and requires an entirely different set of tactical decisions in terms of public relations.

3. that once a decision has been made there is no turning back.  probably not did add ack back to the towns...but that's not what people will see.  people will see that you have made a change and then ignored their pleas for a softer approach.  i would hate to go to the Hitech creations dental novacain.  : )

4. that squads, which have been encouraged to grow from the beginning and have taken deep root in the game are no longer at the top of the list of priorities for HTC.  this may or may not be true, but its a reasonable perception.

when i first arrived in this world, i got to play AH1 for a few weeks before the change.  i remember how i felt when it came and i didnt even know it was coming.  i also remember coming into the bulliten boards then and reading the complaints.  i dont recall them lasting as long or being as vehement but they may have been.  i dont think so.  

in my view, and you may not share it, but in my view, these changes that you are making are for the next generation, the next possibility in a war based flight sim game.  an alternate rather than the only possibility.

what i mean is...why not leave the arenas alone and make money and build the next generation and then sell it to them?  if it is as good as you forsee it, they will come and the old ways will disappear and make way for the new...

i wish that i could articulate this better and i hope that you can appreciate that noone gets incensed about things that they do not care deeply about.

i know i do.  and i feel that i have been here long enough to earn your appreciation for my support thus far.

oh, and it's your damned fault for airing that commercial that sucked me into your god forsaked cartoon video game world, so there.

this thread is doomed.  

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. -Ulysses.


Offline MWL

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« Reply #694 on: December 14, 2006, 02:39:27 PM »

  Percentages sound okay.  Big Map has what? 210 bases on average?  Let's just take that number, each starts with 70.

  To win, must hold 63 original Knight bases, 21 Bishop and 21 Rook.

  Let's say, just to be onery, that I being the all powerful leader of the Knights decide to run the Rooks to no remaining capturable bases -  inconjuction with Bishops' all powerful overlord.  Say the remaining Rook bases are the four around the HQ / City and one of which is a zone base.

  Then I take out the Rook Hangers and Strats.  Will take a long time to rebuild Rook ack/fuel/ord/troops.

  Next, I turn on the evile Bishops to retake lost ground and complete the reset.  Rook pilots do what? Probly, switch to Bishop or Knight or depart the arena instead of sitting around waiting for the tools to retake the homeland.  Based on current conduct, go to another arena is most likely for the vast majority.

  Now, you have a 1 front war between Knights and Bishops with the occasional guerrilla raid by the Rooks until reset.

  With the availabilty of other arenas - i.e. everyone can fly.  Is that really that bad?  This could cause an overbalance of Rooks in the other LW arena.


« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 02:42:34 PM by MWL »

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #695 on: December 14, 2006, 02:48:56 PM »
JB88, it's posts like those (the one above) that made me take you off of ignore, a couple of years ago (the hot headed ones).  Excellent post, and please try to be more rational towards HTC in the future, we ALL should.

<> you mook! :cool:
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Offline Bronk

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« Reply #696 on: December 14, 2006, 02:54:08 PM »
Originally posted by MWL

  Percentages sound okay.  Big Map has what? 210 bases on average?  Let's just take that number, each starts with 70.

  To win, must hold 63 original Knight bases, 21 Bishop and 21 Rook.

  Let's say, just to be onery, that I being the all powerful leader the the Knights decide to run the Rooks to no remaining capturable bases, inconjuction with Bishops' all powerful overlord.  Say the remaining bases are the four around the HQ / City and one of which is a zone base.

  Then I take out the Hangers and Strats.  Long time to rebuild ack/fuel/ord/troops.

  Next I turn on the evile Bishops to retake lost ground and complete the reset.  Rook pilots do what? Probly, switch to Bishop or Knight or depart the arena instead of sitting around waiting for the tools to retake the homeland.  Based on current conduct, go to another arena is most likely for the vast majority.

  Now, you have a 1 front war between Knights and Bishops with the occasional guerrilla raid by the Rooks until reset.

  With the availabilty of other arenas - i.e. everyone can fly.  Is that really that bad?  This could cause an overbalance of Rooks in the other LW arena.



You ever try and heard cats ? It don't work.  This would mean a continual and deliberate cooperation to keep rook fields down. This wont last long once the fights start at the other end of the map. That and I shoot red tag planes with whatever base they are over.
Ohh whats this a heavy bish Jug otw to pork a rook base?  Weeeellll now lets see if i can get him to drop ord or die.
I think the majority would do the same.

 All this gives the rooks in this scenario you described breathing room to fight back.

As apposed to the current MA environment . Of tag-team the lowbies.

See Rule #4

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #697 on: December 14, 2006, 02:56:44 PM »
Originally posted by Mayhem For example the VF-17 Jolly Rogers would probably want to move to the PTO.

Amen, brudah. But I would also respect the needs of others. :)

Offline hitech

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« Reply #698 on: December 14, 2006, 02:57:46 PM »

1. that concern for customer satisfaction is secondary to the master plan. this may or may not be true, but it is the impression that i have gotten at times.

2. that hitech creations is unwilling to expand it's PR and damage control approaches in it's actions to encompass the growth of a larger sized community and market which was less intimate the larger it grows and requires an entirely different set of tactical decisions in terms of public relations.

3. that once a decision has been made there is no turning back. probably not did add ack back to the towns...but that's not what people will see. people will see that you have made a change and then ignored their pleas for a softer approach. i would hate to go to the Hitech creations dental novacain. : )

4. that squads, which have been encouraged to grow from the beginning and have taken deep root in the game are no longer at the top of the list of priorities for HTC. this may or may not be true, but its a reasonable perception.

While I understand your concerns in these ideas, and agree with the philosophy behind them. I totally disagree with your assessment of where each stand. Each assertion you have made is completely false (not the perception but the reality).

And quite frankly what causes that perception is people like you or overlag (btw I view you as totally different but the outcome is the same) instantly posting that the sky is falling and jumping to all sorts of conclusions.

I'm not going to go point by point to show all the real issues involved in each of your points. But I have not ever seen any other way thats works better than our methods in the type of business we are in.

And if you want to see how other communities are, take a look at the post on other BBS gaming sights.

And can some on post a link again to the article "if all you saw of a game was its bbs?"


Offline ZagaZig

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« Reply #699 on: December 14, 2006, 03:06:31 PM »
Originally posted by Baine
7. You assume that squads no matter how large increase player retention.

8. You assume that squads are the only item that increase retention and attract players.
9. You assume that if nothing had changed people do not leave for other reasons.
10. You assume that to have fun with your squad, every member must be able to fly together.

My point is, that I very well understand the attractions and need for social aspect of a "Squad". But also understand there are other needs that have to be balanced with the needs of squads.


The change does in no way threaten the squad base.

HT I'm sorry, but you're just plain wrong there.

These guys aren't making comments with the jerk of a knee. The comments are coming after flying for the last couple of months and trying to enjoy squad nights under the old set of new changes. They've given stuff the good college try without *****in or moaning. Now they - and many of the other people in this 12 pages of comments - see changes that they fear are going to finally do away with the aspect of the game they treasure most.
I don't know if you fly in a squad or not. But if you did regularly you would understand where they are coming from.
You're also assuming that these guys are saying they want to fly together all the time, they don't. But this system does make it difficult, if not impossible on squad nights when they do want to fly together.

I'm not assuming that you do not know about the interaction of squads. But I also know that these guys _ and lots of others in this thread _ are basing their comments on their real experiences over the past several months, not on some perverse desire to give you a hard time. They are speaking from experience. They know what they are talking about.

You say we assume you don't have other ideas in the works.
I think, given the last couple of weeks, most of us are sure that you do. But, since you won't share them and tend to announce them rather abruptly, then you can't blame us for commenting on them as they come along.
You say "I have a roadmap, trust me" but then when people post their concerns in a civil way you go into "I am the great and powerful Oz" mode. An understandable reaction, but one not likely to generate a lot of trust.

Maybe I'm wrong, but  I think a lot of us, if you do have a plan, would prefer you wait until it was fully formed instead of implementing it in drips and drabs. That's not an assumption, but based on the numerous "I don't want to pay to beta test" posts.

I don't think anyone will argue with you on point 8 and 9. I don't see anyone here doing so.
But you are dead wrong on point 7. I speak from experience. Take a look at my stats (SKBaine). I'm flying maybe 6-10 hours a month these days. Most of that is on squad nights.  Without my squad I probably would have cancelled my subscription a while back. I might have come back when you got done with CT and started putting a little more effort into AH again, I might not have. But the opportunity to spend two or three hours a Sunday with guys who are both my virtual and real life friends keeps me playing. (Well, that and the fact that I'm a real procrastinator). So, here you have at least one person who stayed because of his squad. I know of at least two others and I assume that we are not alone.

And finally, we do understand that you have to balance many needs to make the game a success. Remember, many of us have been here since the start, and have played other MM games before. We know the drill.
That's why these guys don't post very often. They are content to let you do what you need to do.
 As I said in the beginning of my post - they kept their mouths shut for many weeks and tried to make a go of it. You should consider that when you consider their comments and give them the respect they deserve. [/B][/QUOTE]

  Lets look at the numbers shall we?

  As of this morning, there were a total of 1,155 squads listed on the HT website containing 6,813 people for an average of 5.89 ppl per squad.

  Now looking at above average squadrons containing 7 or more people there were 271 with 4,291 people for an average of 15.83 ppl per squad.

  That's 63% of the toal squadron member ship is contained within 23.5% of all the squadrons.

  Now considering that those who choose not to fly within a squadron or new members on free trials or yet to be signed into a squadron makeup only on average 10% of the total arena memberships at anyone time, that would make the larger squads responcible for atleast 50% of the general revenue for hightech.

  I have to side with the squadron C.O.'s on this matter, the cap limits are a big pile.

  Rather than trying to keep tabs here on the BB you could just set up a poll for folks to vote on to get a concensus or even just poll the top squadron C.O's & see what they have to say......if you care to get a realistic responce worthy of notation.

  As for the new capture victory conditions, with cap limits in place forcing parity for all 3 sides, noone will have the #'s needed to attain them fighting a 2-front war and no reset will come & no perks will be awarded & the same map will be played till weeks end reset with everyone complaining about the "same ol map"

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #700 on: December 14, 2006, 03:08:14 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Airscrew Your a knight. To win you would have to have 90% of knight bases, 30% of bishop bases, 30% of rook bases.


I like this.   I like this alot.
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« Reply #701 on: December 14, 2006, 03:08:45 PM »

  Yep, I agree - actually, it would be easier to herd cats, me thinks!  Just looking at a worst case scenario.  I got the impression the initial RJOs were an unexpected event.

  If it did happen (which I agree is a real long shot), you are now down to one side or the other taking, at worst case, 21 Non-Rook bases.  How long would that take on a one front fight?

  These bases are probly not near the four Rook remaining ones.  Maybe it will give the Rooks time to get back in the fight.  However, to prevent either Knight or Bishop reset, the remaining Rooks will need to take 50 - OOOPS, not. . . let's see, grabs calculator, oh there it is right next to dectionary.....70-4=66. . . . . umm, say 33 for Knights and Bishops. . . . . . got to get to less than 21 . . . . .33-20=13 per side . . . . humm, that wold be, viola! 26 bases to prevent reset.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 03:42:03 PM by MWL »

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« Reply #702 on: December 14, 2006, 03:19:59 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Airscrew Your a knight. To win you would have to have 90% of knight bases, 30% of bishop bases, 30% of rook bases.


Ok, makes sense.  I've logged myself when things got royally bad.

I haven't switched sides in years, but when I did it before it was during the time when either the rooks or knits (cant remember) were chronically getting pounded.  Like as in every day.  I switched over just to see what was going on.  One thing about it, you got a lot of 6 calls :D
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Offline Edbert

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« Reply #703 on: December 14, 2006, 03:36:47 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
And can some on post a link again to the article "if all you saw of a game was its bbs?"

I think this is the one you mean...,72119-0.html

...and for the lazy...

Complainers of the World Unite

If you play an online game that you enjoy, there's one surefire way to spoil the experience: read the forums on the official site. There you will find a vast underworld of lost souls keening their misery onto your screen. A game you thought was entertaining, well-balanced and attractive will be torn apart before your very eyes and pronounced lacking in every conceivable way.

It doesn't matter that the complainers spend as much time on the game as you do, and probably more. While they may disagree on the nature of the flaws, they are united in agreement that whatever those flaws may be, they are unforgivable.

Herewith then, a guide to the deranged, degraded inhabitants of the forums. You cannot defeat them, they provide precious little experience, but if they get their claws on you, they may turn you into one of their own.

The Power Craver

Wants only one thing -- more power with less effort. Any downgrade in power is infuriating. Any upgrade is insufficient.

Sample Quote: "I can't believe they nerfed the pillar of lava spell! How am I supposed to kill twelve ogres at once now?"

Punishment: Forced to admit that no matter how powerful in the game, still works as a cashier at Kroger in real life.

The Magical Realist

Doesn't understand what a "game" is. Constantly makes arguments based on what would be "realistic," even if the game is set in a fantasy world run by wizards and pixies.

Sample Quote: "You can't tell me a Mondlagarian Tiger Warrior is stronger than a Swamp Troll. That just doesn't make sense!"

Punishment: Sent back to kindergarten for remedial make-believe classes.

The Majority Stockholder

Seems to believe that $15 a month buys you a seat on the board of directors. Doesn't realize that a hundred thousand other people are ponying up the same amount.

Sample Quote: "I've e-mailed the developers several times telling them that Fire Paladins should have the axe-throwing skill. They haven't changed it, but they're still taking my money!."

Punishment: Forced to work customer service for an online game company.

The Emancipator

Sees the game as a titanic struggle between the evil expressive developers and the poor, downtrodden gamers. The evidence? Every rule and limitation in the game.

Sample Quote: "I don't see why I have to complete quests to get epic weapons! If I want my second-level Bumblefur Bard to wield the Deathsword of Arat'rak'k'k'k, that's my right! Quit telling me how to play!"

Punishment: Sent to Sudan to experience first-hand what oppression actually feels like.

The Eternal Quitter

Just comes on the forum to let everyone know he's quitting for good and to spend a dozen paragraphs explaining why. Then does it again three months later.

Sample Quote: "For real, this time."

Punishment: Forced to actually quit.

One-Issue Poster

Only has one complaint, but posts about it 15 times a day. This is because nobody else cares.


Punishment: Lavender Starbelt changed to lilac.

The Lifestyler

Wants a bunch of cosmetic changes to a single type of character. Exhibits an eerie level of identification with said character.

Sample Quote: "The Pastry Elves' laugh should be less bubbly and more tinkly. Our giggle should remind you of gazing at the stars as a child, and our smile should make you think of the taste of honey on a cool spring morning."

Punishment: Character icon replaced with accurate photograph of self.

The Deathmonger

Main complaint about the game is that you can't kill everything. Secondary complaint is that the things you can kill don't suffer enough.

Sample Quote: "Why can't I make the baker watch me kill his wife and child, then force-feed their flesh to him until his stomach bursts? What is this, Barbie's Horse Adventure?"

Punishment: To be determined, pending DNA analysis of freezer contents.

(Edited for formatting of quoted material...wish we could paste HTML)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 03:43:41 PM by Edbert »

Offline JB88

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« Reply #704 on: December 14, 2006, 03:44:06 PM »
lol.  love that one.

wonder why they don't have the evil overlord gamer bent on hellfire soul slavery misery and destruction listed there...

wink wink.  ;)

this thread is doomed.  

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