Author Topic: Changes to come.  (Read 31822 times)

Offline hubsonfire

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Changes to come.
« Reply #810 on: December 17, 2006, 11:41:01 AM »
Originally posted by herrhav0k
So there are multiple arenas now? What are the player numbers like and how many different arenas are there now? :huh

4 arenas, average number US late evenings, 500-600 total on a weeknight, upwards of 700 on weekends. The early and mid arenas seem to average around 50-80 each, with 200-300+ in the 2 late wars. AvA numbers tend to be a bit lower.
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Offline bj229r

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« Reply #811 on: December 17, 2006, 01:29:39 PM »
Is side-balancing in place right now, or just the new reset criteria?
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Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #812 on: December 17, 2006, 03:57:27 PM »
I like the new capture system.  Now can we try it on a big map with no other changes (no blue lines)?

I found it interesteing last night that in the arena I was in (wasn't really paying attention to which LW arena it was) Bish had numbers (approximately 100 to 80 to 80 at one point) and did all night but every time I checked the numbers in the air were almost even across the board.
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Offline sgt203

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« Reply #813 on: December 18, 2006, 05:33:02 AM »
Change away hitech........

I Think its great you take the time to read alot of this stuff and try to do what is best for the game (in your opinion)...

Though I or others may not like, nor agree, with the changes in the long run this is not my living, and does not feed myself or my family as it does you..

The fact that you even entertain these post at all shows a level of commitment to the player base that IMO you will never be able to fully satisfy...

In any event the game is the same to me in as much as I still crash in firey balls of fire as often and violently as before any of the changes and have a great time doing it....

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #814 on: December 18, 2006, 09:29:09 AM »
Originally posted by Edbert
Cool, came within what, about two days? Reminds me of all the prophets of doom-and-despair who've claimed an end to the reset a hundred times before when a change to the system was introduced. You think by now they'd stop.
You’d think by now, someone of your intelligence would stop comparing apples to oranges.

"a change to the system"  is rather general, dontcha think?

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #815 on: December 18, 2006, 09:32:35 AM »
Originally posted by Tilt
I like the new reset criteria..................I have played on both sides  (with the greater numbered side and with the lesser numbered side) and was able to find fights and take part in constrructive defensive and offensive actions.

Pity the clipboard advice is confused but I am sure that will shortly be fixed. (infact it is also confusing as to whether ,or which type of, side balancing system is in use)

IMO with this system side inbalance is just not that important...............sure the side with fewer numbers is going to lose ground, but local game play is not so adversely effected. Conflict is balanced to stop two sides rolling up the third in a race to reset.

I think who ever thought of this deserves a prize.

I would go so far as to suggest that as side inbalance may be less critical now then forced (restricted access) balancing could  be dispenced with.

However I still like the idea of "Mercenary Pawns" volunteering to be switched countires auotmatically (for reward). It sort of adds a dimension of fun and contributes to solving the problem.

How very observitory of you sir. :aok
Oh...and once again...a very good observation from a very reasonable person.

Offline Edbert

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« Reply #816 on: December 18, 2006, 09:41:34 AM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
"a change to the system"  is rather general, dontcha think?

Sure it is, there have been many over the years, some major, some minor, most disparate. The fact that the term is general but the reactions are not is the point though.

Almost any time there's a change SOMEONE (not always the same folks, not saying that) comes out and says it is the end of "xyz" and says they're quitting. Turns out later, sometimes a day sometimes a couple of months, that it was not the end of "xyz" and those who threatened to quit are still around (obviously not 100% of them).

Just the point I'm making...the professors of doom-and-gloom are wrong, and most of those who threaten to quit either don't; or they come back soon.

Offline Trukk

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« Reply #817 on: December 18, 2006, 03:47:38 PM »
All this talk about competitors got me pondering the differences between Aces High and WWIIOL (where I came from after 5 years) and it struck me that they were both like women.

Aces High is like a 36-24-36 babe who is all curves in all the right places with all the hot moves on the dance floor and in the bedroom!  Ton-O-Fun... until you try to have a conversation, then you realize although the package is gorgeous, she's not the brightest lightbulb in the box.

WWIIOL is a great conversationalist and very interesting to be around, but she has about as many curves as a desert highway and her idea of dancing is the polka.  Sex to her is synonymous with the missionary position and you'd probably have more fun with your blowup doll.

But everyone is waiting for Combat Tour to arrive at the party.  Supposedly, she's got the curves and moves of her Aces High sister, but she's no dumb blond.  Want the wild ride plus the engaging conversation the morning after?  She's your ticket.  A WWII pilot's dream.  If she lives up to her potential I see a lot of pilots being drawn in from WWIIOL, Warbirds, FighterAce and IL2.  Personally I can't wait.

Offline doc1kelley

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« Reply #818 on: December 19, 2006, 11:23:54 AM »
Originally posted by Trukk
But everyone is waiting for Combat Tour to arrive at the party.  Supposedly, she's got the curves and moves of her Aces High sister, but she's no dumb blond.  Want the wild ride plus the engaging conversation the morning after?  She's your ticket.  A WWII pilot's dream.  If she lives up to her potential I see a lot of pilots being drawn in from WWIIOL, Warbirds, FighterAce and IL2.  Personally I can't wait.

Not trying to be impolite but just how do you come to the assumption that CT is going to be anything better or worse as nobody has seen it and we really have no idea just how it's curves and moves will be or how smart it is?  It's still a "in two weeks" product and the rumor mill has been working overtime for over a year about what it will do or will have or what you can or cannot do.  No offense to HT, it's vaporware at this point and I for one am glad that he is taking his time on the project as we don't want to go through  years of beta testing ourselves on a project as grand as he has proposed.  Some of the best things in life are the best when they mature and I hope that this will be the case when CT does release.

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Offline Trukk

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« Reply #819 on: December 19, 2006, 03:32:27 PM »
Combat Tour features a very different style of game play from "Arena" play. Arena play is a very loose free-form style of game play that focuses on the mechanics of air combat. In CT, this is changed so that the gaming experience goes beyond the dogfight and puts you in the role of a WWII combatant trying to survive and perform the mission at hand. Working together as a team, you’ll find success in the mission and gain promotions, medals, and even improved abilities and aircraft.

CT will begin as a campaign that focuses on the long range bombing campaign of the U.S. 8th Air Force vs. the Luftwaffe. As CT development advances, more campaigns will be added covering a wide variety of theaters and time frames.

This is what I find so much more interesting that the arena style of gameplay.  If CT can deliver this, she will be very sexy indeed.

Offline badhorse

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Re: Changes to come.
« Reply #820 on: December 21, 2006, 07:18:10 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Monday we will be implementing a new balancing system. It works with the existing ENY number. It will no longer limit what planes you can fly. But rather when it reaches a preset value, people entering the arena will not be able to fly in that arena for their current country.


Not sure what this means. Having flown under the new rules now I don't see where the eny has changed.  It still limits the airplanes you can fly.
I still see the message.... Planes with an ENY less than (#) are not allowed.

Not sure of the quote, but the old ENY is still with us.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Re: Changes to come.
« Reply #821 on: December 21, 2006, 07:24:40 AM »
Originally posted by badhorse
Not sure what this means. Having flown under the new rules now I don't see where the eny has changed.  It still limits the airplanes you can fly.
I still see the message.... Planes with an ENY less than (#) are not allowed.

Not sure of the quote, but the old ENY is still with us.

It´s with us again. The change you referred to was implemented for a few days some time ago. When HT changed the reset criteria to the setting we currently have (capture a certain amount of bases of both enemy countries), the Wait Time limitation was dropped again.
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« Reply #822 on: December 21, 2006, 08:39:20 AM »
I read of "lots of changes in AcesHigh"  , thats nothing new . HTC crew has always
been on top of their game . Lot of players cry doom with changes ....
 (get pissed off, quit, want to have BBS polling, raise hell , ect , but the game continues to evolve and interest grows . With out testing the changes online, in the game, their is no-way in hell to see if changes will work or not.....

  Me worried about AcesHigh  ? heck no, I'll start worrying when I don't see any changes or trials ..

   Biggest problem I see right now is that Nate has moved on to a new job ...
 I just hope HT can find someone to hire that has the dedacation that Nate had...
  psssst, ( I hear that Matt Davis lives in Texas )  :t  .....

Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.