Author Topic: Fun fight...  (Read 117 times)

Offline zorstorer

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Fun fight...
« on: December 11, 2006, 01:14:08 PM »
Ok I have to admit my poor memory from the onset.....not really poor, mostly just "holes" about the specifics of a situation.  Anyway I just wanted to let "D" know that fighting his 110-c4 in the LW the other night/morning was a blast :)

I only say "D" because I can't remember his full name, but I can seem to remember asking him if he flew in the Battle of Britain '06 because it felt like one of the fights I had with the mean Finnish squad in their 110's.

It was one of those fights that starts at 10k and eventually ends up on the deck after quite a few reversals with the stall horns going the whole time.  It was one of those fights that usually ends up with a pick or a run, but the 1 freindly and 1 enemy con in the area decided to let us go at it.

Also true to form I didn't film it....I never seem to have film running when these kinds of fights start.  I thought about starting it while fighting but I didn't want to take the chance of getting the film lag when it started up.

These are the kinds of fights that keep me coming back :)

Just incase anyone is wondering what I was in even after the BoB reference...I was in a Hurri LW Blue...what was I thinking ;)

Anyway "D" sorry I can't remember your full name, I just seem to blank on AH names once I log out.