Originally posted by Chairboy
Handbrake does all of it automatically. Spend 5 minutes reading the website, there's plenty o' docs.
I did. it lost me here:
4. Create a shortcut to HBTest.exe. Right-click the shortcut you made and go to Properties. For Target, copy and paste:
C:\Handbrake\HBTest.exe -i "e:\video_ts" -o c:\dvds\HANDBRAKEMOVIE.mp4 -e x264b13 -w 640 -l 480 -S 400 -t 1 -d -B 96
5. You'll need to have some, not much, but some basic knowledge of the parameters above. i = input directory (usually your DVD drive and the root \video_ts\ folder), o = output directory, e = encoder (don't mess with this one), w and l are resolution (you can adjust this to 320 by 240 if you want faster encoding), S = final file size in megabytes, t = title you're ripping (this is usually 1 on most DVDs but you may wanna check in your DVD player software first which title you wanna rip), d = deinterlace (I highly recommend this on many DVD titles, especially anything homemade recorded with a DV camera), B = audio bitrate (96 sounds great to me and boosts the video rate by not being 128).