Author Topic: Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)  (Read 484 times)

Offline samu1

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Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)
« on: November 27, 2001, 07:27:00 AM »
hi all,
I have just installed a new pci card (one above) to try and get some decent FR's. I also have an integrated card in the system but it is causng no interference with other programs. However when I ran AH in offline mode I got a seriously disturbing 15FP max in the towe, and the same when I tried my old integrated jobbie. I have an Ath 1.2 gig with 256MB ram, so i really don't know what the problem is?!?!?!

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

Offline Lephturn

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Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2001, 08:50:00 AM »
Need more information.  What is a 3D Prophet 4000xt?  A TnT2, a GeForce 2, a GeForce?  What graphics chip does it use and how much video RAM is on it.

Also, what OS are you using, and what mainboard?

If you have integrated video, did you disable that before you put in the PCI card?

Offline samu1

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Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2001, 10:48:00 AM »
It's a 32MB card with a Kyro chip running windows ME, with a KL-133M motherboard. As for disabling the integrated video, I have only been able to get my PC to look for my PCI card on start up but the option of the other one is still available. (This was the advice given to me by my PC manufacturer's Techincal support, but they did seem to have trouble with this Board).

Thanks in advance

Offline DrSoya

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Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2001, 08:21:00 PM »
I don't know if your problem is related to Windows not seeing the new card, but... a word about the Kyro chipset.

I don't think the Kyro chipset is the best choice for AH. That chipset doesn't support the DirectX Transform & Lighting instruction set, and that's what probably results in a big frame hate hit when players encounter smoke and special lighting conditions (for example sunsets).

I read a post here weeks ago by a guy with the KyroII-based Hercules Prophet 4500, and he wasn't happy.

In some conditions, the Kyro II performs better than a GeForce2 MX, but in others, it doesn't (that lacking T&L instruction set), and you're talking here about a Kyro I-based card. And some people consider they have low frame rates with the MX400.

The Prophet 4000XT is a low-end video card. I don't think you can expect much performance from it.

Offline samu1

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Help with 3D prophet 4000xt (PCI)
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2001, 06:49:00 PM »
Thanks for the help guys, I think I'm gonna take this back to the store and get a better card, any tips on a good pci card for AH???

Thanks guys