Author Topic: Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB  (Read 397 times)

Offline Rocket

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Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB
« on: March 03, 2001, 07:57:00 PM »
Hey all.

Any Saitek guru's out there that can help my brother maybe?  He just bought a Saitek Cyborg 3d pro non usb and getting all kinds of spikes.  His old MS Sidewinder 3d had this also but worse.  He got rid of the X/Y axis spikes but the throttle and rudder still spike and rotate things to the left abit.  He emailed Saitek and did everything tech support said to do.  He has tried both 2.75 and 2.30 software for it.  The 2.75 was supposed to fix the left twist but just made things worse.  He is running this thru a SBLive Xgamer.  He has an AMD k6-2 333mhz with 164mb ram.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  (oh yeah dx8.0a)



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Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2001, 09:16:00 PM »
Hiya rocket, I have the saitek cyborg 3d gold USB and its an AWSOME stick, i think that the problem lies in the port you are connecting it to.  tell me a little about yer system and about how the stick is connected.  is it connected to the gameport on the soundcard?? or is it connected to another? what form factor is your setup (AT ATX..etc)  but based on experence the cyborg gold is probably the most spike free rock solid stick you can get these days.  post as much info as you can about.
A: the motherboard
B: the soundcard.
C: what all is connected.

are you testing in windows or in AH? can you post a screen shot?

with out that info we cant really help ya much but i am pretty sure that its the port yer plugging into thats the problem.  

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 03-03-2001).]

Offline snafu

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Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2001, 05:03:00 AM »
Hi Rocket,
 I used to have a Cyborg 3d (Gameport) before my current Cyborg 3d USB stick. My Gameport version used to be plagued with spikes and after a note to Saitek Tech support (Who were really helpful BTW). I discovered that there is a problem with the Gameport version which appears to relate to the SB Live series of cards. The problem only affects certain system configurations though (And they could not pin it down).

How long have you had the stick. They sent me a note which allowed me to exchange the stick at my local store for the USB version. (I was liable for any cash adjustment).

As TheWobble says the USB version is Rock Solid.

Send Saitek a mail with full System specs etc and see what they say.

TTFN snafu

Offline 214thCavalier

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Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2001, 05:46:00 AM »
Had the same problem on the 2nd comp using same stick it wa sterrible spiking, you could not put the planes on autopilot becuase it would kick out within 5 seconds due to spiking.
However the good news is for me i cured it simply by moving the slider underneath the stick from digital to analogue, 99% of spiking problems cured.

Offline Rocket

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Saitak Cyborg 3D Pro NON USB
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2001, 11:47:00 PM »
After several emails to Saitek my brother just ended up sending back the gameport joystick and went out and bought a USB port for his machine and got the gold USB version of the Cyborg 3d.  It works without a hitch!

Thanks for all the ideas!
