i don't think so, though i would love to. see my first post in this same thread for why i won't be doing this.
i am having a good time doing the research though. there's a certain sense of satisfaction to be derived from wanting to know something, and doing what it takes to learn it.
i really wouldn't have any idea where to even begin doing a skin. i do suppose that if i tried, even if it took a year to do, it would be rather enjoyable.
i really like the mission assigned to the Shimbu Tai squadrons, of Kamikaze escort. what i've learned so far is that the KI84 was known to the japanese to be a GREAT fighter, possibly superior to allied greats such as the p51d, and as such, they would not waste it on kamikaze missions; so the Shimbu Tai were formed and given the 84 to run as escorts.
more to follow...