Author Topic: Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo  (Read 478 times)

Offline Vati66

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Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo
« on: December 23, 2000, 09:08:00 AM »

     this started a few days ago  and nothing on my system changed that I know of.   As I'm flying stright and level   my frame rate will nose dive from mid 50's to as low as 10 !!   I'm not doing anything but flying level!!    It will go back up after a few second  but it will happen every few minutes there after.  Any Idea's ?    I saw the message about the connection Icon in the sys tray.  but try as I might I can't get it to go away.  I use Att Global net for my connection and there software doesn't seem to allow me to turn it off.    here is a list of my equip

Pent III 450  
128 megs mem
voodoo 3  2000 with latest drivers
Sound Blaster 16 PCI

let me know if anyone has the answer   it will make a nice christmas present


Offline snafu

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Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2000, 10:43:00 AM »
Hi Vati66
 As far as the Tray Icon is concerned even with a special dialer you should be able to remove the Icon through "Dialup Networking"

Open the Dialup Networking folder. Select "Connections" then "settings" from the drop down list then uncheck the "Show an icon on taskbar after connected"

(Sorry if I am teaching you to "Suck Eggs")

It will improve performance but with such great changes to your FPS I don't think this is your problem.  


Offline Vati66

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Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2000, 01:10:00 PM »
Hay Snafu,

        I have done that about 40 times now and each time the Globalnet software turns it back on.   Anyway,  I don't think that is the problem.  I'm going to do a Complete reinstall  of Windows today.  Maybe that will fix it  


Offline Mars

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Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2000, 04:32:00 AM »
Hey Vati,  After adjusting my BIOS to the vid cards reccommended setup i had a similiar prob. It turned out to be the keyboard "Typematic" toggle and it caused the same symptoms u describe. It should be set to "Off".   You might check it just fer kix  
"NO!!......NO!!!!..I WON'T eat it!!"
                    -Christopher Walken in "Mouse Hunt"-

Offline Vati66

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Frame rate going up and down like a yo yo
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2000, 10:26:00 AM »

Problem is solved.   I did a windows reinstall and all is right with the world now.   I had another problem that made me  think virus.   All the text files on my machine would look like wing dings when viewed in notpad.  I don't know if the two problems were related but now both are fixed.   Thanks for the help guys.  here is a link to a christmas web page I made for the pilots of aces high  ( you need realplayer to hear the music)