Originally posted by Reynolds
Trust me. I am the WORST fighter pilot in the game. Even YOU could probably beat me in a fight. But stick with it! Youll learn with dedication, and it will definately be worth it in the end!
I don't know about that...I think I'm the worst!
But really, just more encouragement from another newb...
When I started, I FELL out of the sky more than I got shot down!
Now, I get SHOT DOWN more times than I spin.
BUT, as my wife will attest to, I am somewhere in between addicted and...and...addicted.
SOMETHING ELSE TO REMEMBER...if you get tired of getting blasted out of the sky every time you're in the air, take a break and drive a tank...or a PT boat...or get on a big gun on one of the CV's...just do something different to break up the cycle of up/bang/down... that can be just as fun for a little while till things calm down and you can get in the air again.
And like everybody says...$14.95 a month buys a LOT of planes!