Author Topic: Graphical Glitches  (Read 307 times)


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Graphical Glitches
« on: December 28, 2000, 12:40:00 PM »
I have been playing Aces High and over the last couple of builds the game for me brings in lots of graphical glitches such as see thourgh spaces in teh terrain trhough certain angles.  Planes and ships will disappear if they get close to the terrain then they will come back, the alierons on my planes wings are white, and the propelors transparency can sometimes be seen through my cockpit which screws up all my instruments.  When the build was 1.03 I belie that these things never happened but the introduction of 1.04 and 1.05 have bourhgt these problems.

I use DirectX8 as my API, i also have a Voodoo Banshee, I dont think this is a card problem becuase the graphics were fine with 1.03 whe nI was using it.

Eric Wright Black Hole Productions