Film: Spit5 vs Bf 109F-4
Although it was well publicized when the revised Bf 109s came out, many newer players may not be aware of how improved the 109 series is compared to what they were not very long ago.
We found that the 109F-4 was a very close match for the Spitfire Mk.V is a one vs one dogfight. Typically, the Spitfire carries an advantage into the fight due to its tighter turning circle. Thus, the 109 pilot has to be very careful after the initial merge to get his 109 whoa'd down enough to get the flaps out. Once this is accomplished, the 109F-4 can give the Spitfire all it can handle. It is a bit better in the vertical, accelerates faster and while it turns larger circles than the Spitfire, it gets around that circle faster. That last item is very important.
In this film I am dueling with Sonic22 (aka Sonic23). Sonic generally flies Spitfires, typically the Spit16 and the Spit5. He's very good in either, as good or better than almost anyone currently playing. We had previously dueled in Spit16s, but I managed to flat spin the bugger. Up till then, no one had been able to gain any advantage. After cursing the Spit16's intolerance for my hamfisted flying, I switched to a Spit8 and was able to eventually wrestle control of the fight after several nose to nose merges. We then moved on to the Spit5 and the 109F-4. This fight was 12 minutes of give and take, virtually a draw. Sonic would get a momentary advantage and I'd take it back. It was nonstop, hard-flying fun. An excellent example of two very equal pilots striving to exploit the performance advantages of their fighters.
One great aspect of the Training arena is that getting hit does not end a fight. You fight until you are out of gas or ammo. This creates a sustained intensity not found in the MAs or Dueling arena. This is why TA duels are often better learning experiences than DA duels: They are uninterrupted.
Anyway, here's the film, all 3 megs of it.
Sonic22 vs Widewing My regards,