Author Topic: plane on a conveyor belt?  (Read 21052 times)

Offline Golfer

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #105 on: January 20, 2007, 09:28:31 PM »
Kurt, FWIW the story I have for that video is:

Left hand cuff of his flight suit caught the nozzle lever while manipulating the power lever.  Loses the downward nozzle for vertical airspeed for conventional flight.  Supposedly he also broke his leg when he landed on top of the airplane after punching out (doh!)

Just think about the effort you made on the kid.  I'm sure that "14" in his handle stands for something...

Offline JB88

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #106 on: January 20, 2007, 09:41:59 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Sorry I dont buy it.
I dont beleive that if JB88 drops an 85 pound rock on his bare foot that it will hurt.

I wanna see the proof! :D

sorry, but there is no way that you can convince me that drediock only weighs 85 pounds.

this thread is doomed.  

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Offline Mark Luper

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #107 on: January 20, 2007, 09:46:55 PM »

You seem like a knowledgeable and intelligent guy. If you will notice at the top of this page I commented to him it may have been a hover flight problem. He responded apologeticaly showing me that he hadn't thought of that aspect of it. True, he did jump to conclusions, a lot of us do, and appears to be a youngster that doesn't have our life experience so he made a statement on an incorrect assumption.

I don't think being harsh with him about it does much good. Perhaps an explanation would have been better?


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Offline Mini D

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #108 on: January 20, 2007, 09:55:54 PM »
sweet thread!

It makes me wonder why a plane taking off against the rotation of the earth wouldn't have a tougher time than a plane taking off with the rotation of the earth. I'm sure airspeed has nothing to do with it.

I do have to take exception to Hitech's explanation. If there were a belt capable of rapid acceleration to counter the tire's rotation, it would rely on some sort of friction that would inevitably react with the air. This would create a mass of air turbulence that would actually launch the plan faster and before reaching anywhere near infinity. Of course, if the tire were only exposed on the bottom to this magical wonder belt and nowhere else, this effect would be reduced, though the effect of spinning this magical belt at near infinite speeds would most certainly cause it to expand in diameter effectively launching the plane straight up anyways.

So many effects... so little consideration. Tsk tsk tsk.

Offline Yeager

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #109 on: January 20, 2007, 10:01:53 PM »
Random thoughts.....

Have you ever seen an upside down triangle on its side?

Have you ever heard the sound of one hand clapping?
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Offline majic

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #110 on: January 20, 2007, 10:11:23 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
sweet thread!

It makes me wonder why a plane taking off against the rotation of the earth wouldn't have a tougher time than a plane taking off with the rotation of the earth. I'm sure airspeed has nothing to do with it.

I do have to take exception to Hitech's explanation. If there were a belt capable of rapid acceleration to counter the tire's rotation, it would rely on some sort of friction that would inevitably react with the air. This would create a mass of air turbulence that would actually launch the plan faster and before reaching anywhere near infinity. Of course, if the tire were only exposed on the bottom to this magical wonder belt and nowhere else, this effect would be reduced, though the effect of spinning this magical belt at near infinite speeds would most certainly cause it to expand in diameter effectively launching the plane straight up anyways.

So many effects... so little consideration. Tsk tsk tsk.

Funny.  I actually considered the conveyor's effect on the air around it, but I figured the airflow would be too turbulent to create lift.


Offline lasersailor184

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #111 on: January 20, 2007, 11:52:17 PM »
Actually, that's a decent thought Majic.  I bet he could take off at 90% regular velocity because of the boundary layer on the conveyor belt.
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Offline Wes14

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #112 on: January 21, 2007, 12:02:47 AM »
if their was a treadmill thingy capible of speeding up instantly can u beat it with of of those half plane half helicopter things (i think their called Tilt-Rotors)
points the engine forward to force forward put tilt the engines to the blades r above the plane and create up lift

this is what im talking about

and i heard these things are more unstable in vertical flight then harriers

and Kurt i apologised, isnt that enough? :(
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Offline lukster

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #113 on: January 21, 2007, 12:09:34 AM »
A really fast moving conveyor belt would create a low pressure area near it's surface would it not?

Offline Wes14

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #114 on: January 21, 2007, 12:11:40 AM »
i thought with that thing spinning that fast it would force a small bit of air aganst the plane itself?
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Offline Kurt

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #115 on: January 21, 2007, 12:15:36 AM »
Originally posted by Mark Luper

I commented to him it may have been a hover flight problem. He responded apologeticaly showing me that he hadn't thought of that aspect of it.

I saw his post, responded, I didn't see yours or the response till later, so, yeah, I flew off the handle.

But - Regardless, I don't feel to bad about coming down the way I did.  By 14, I understood the difference between a trained pilot and my 14 year old vision... And my daughter at 12 already understands the difference between someone who is trained to do what they do, and herself...

So, its double edged I admit... Had I read the following posts before responding I wouldn't have reacted as I did.

So, this, is not exactly an apology, because I'm not wrong to sternly correct a dangerously misguided opinion... But it is a retraction of the attitude based on facts that came to my attention afterwards.

Perhaps we both learned a lesson.:aok
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Offline Wes14

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #116 on: January 21, 2007, 12:25:40 AM »

acually im thinking of being a bomber pilot when i grow up:D

any suggestions?
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Offline Kurt

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #117 on: January 21, 2007, 12:36:33 AM »
Originally posted by Wes14

acually im thinking of being a bomber pilot when i grow up:D

any suggestions?

You are in the company of all sorts of pilots here...  I'm sure one has that answer.  Sadly, its not me.

What I do know is that you'll do well to get a strong background in mathematics, and as you go forward to college, be thinking about schools that can teach you aerodynamics, aerospace engineering and such.
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Offline Wes14

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #118 on: January 21, 2007, 12:44:26 AM »

i think it would be cool to be assigned this plane

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Offline Kurt

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plane on a conveyor belt?
« Reply #119 on: January 21, 2007, 12:49:56 AM »
Well, if you are 14 as everyone is guessing, its likely there won't be any active A-10's when you are flying.  The Air Force has been trying to deactivate them for 15 years.

I'll never understand why though, it is the perfect design for the role.
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