Originally posted by Mark Luper
I commented to him it may have been a hover flight problem. He responded apologeticaly showing me that he hadn't thought of that aspect of it.
I saw his post, responded, I didn't see yours or the response till later, so, yeah, I flew off the handle.
But - Regardless, I don't feel to bad about coming down the way I did. By 14, I understood the difference between a trained pilot and my 14 year old vision... And my daughter at 12 already understands the difference between someone who is trained to do what they do, and herself...
So, its double edged I admit... Had I read the following posts before responding I wouldn't have reacted as I did.
So, this, is not exactly an apology, because I'm not wrong to sternly correct a dangerously misguided opinion... But it is a retraction of the attitude based on facts that came to my attention afterwards.
Perhaps we both learned a lesson.