Originally posted by Major Biggles
you use some method of extraction in your editing software. in photoshop there are many ways to do it, the pencil tool, magic wand selection, etc.
alternatively you could use a reasonably sized eraser brush and go around, it doesn't take as long as you would think. have your background setup, then paste your screenie on top as another layer. erase through the screenie to show the background, but leave the plane of course
tried taking snapshots or screenprints out of a film, could not get any good extractions like yours, so I went and found Skinviewer ver 2.083 on the skins download page of AH, it has a solid background color, this makes it so much easier just set that background color as transparent in photoshop and wala, instant cutout....works perfect, and the skin viewer lets ya change the lighting effect around somewhat as well. Also can move flaps, lower gear, ruder movement, aileron, engine off wngine running.....sweet......
have fun whoever is taking this funstuff up.........( funsuff = making pictures )