wow. Hate to be mean but that has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard...
1) wtf is the point of a civ. car?!? There werent many BMWs or Mercedes Benz's driving around Normandy when the allies were storming the beaches.
2) Honestly, car bombs?!? The terms 'extremest' and 'Kamikaze' come to mind. If this was a spy game, or hitman, I could see it. But asking for a suicide-vehicle in a WWII simulator?!? I really dont get the logic behind this...
3) Um, as soon as you get enemies looking like friendlies, cheating will sky-rocket. Besides, in world war two there were no icons, you decided shoot or not by the plane type. Since everyone can fly every plane, there is no possible way to determine between friendly or enemy unless you shoot them. And if they ARE friendly, YOU DIE! Even with the 1.5-2.0k range, you will have osties K/Sing, from 1.5k-2k a WgR 21 will be in range very shortly, so qucikly you have no hope of evasion when in a bomber. Do you not see the issues here?