Geez.... sounds like someone got their trout caught in a zipper.
Maverick I think you're on to something here... a fish in a Mustang.
Catfish in a P40.
Sturgeon in a YaK.
Bluegill in a Lala.
a scorpion in a F16 with CIA markings.....
"Does my Bass look BIG in these shorts?"
UnderRoos that say "Whoa.... nice Pickeral"
Nice pair of Dockers with a HUGE trout hanging down the inside left thigh...
Bobbers with the Eynzte Logo on them...
Boxer Shorts with pics of assorted fishing flies "Check yer Fly"
And for AcesHigh a Salmon in a Panzer UnderRoos that sez "Wanna Spawn?"
A SteelHead sitting near a tent , campfire and rapids that sez "Spawn Camper"
I could go on and on.....