Tex, it would require a bunch of people, 3 wouldnt do it. Probably 5-6 on the town, and as many as it would take to kill the hangers on the base from the second the town fell to get the full 20 minutes. Say the town is successfully dropped within 20 secs...all buildings dead from fresh (wouldnt count if other bldgs down from a previous strike) to flat . From that instance the 20 minute clock starts. If a hanger goes down 1 minute later, it will remain down 19 minutes. If it falls 9 minutes later it stays down 11 minutes. After that the bonus time is gone and it would be the standard 10 mins.
CaptJoe, as long as enuff jabos hit all at once to ensure the all down within 20 secs, it could work. Miss one and the 20 secs go by, and its no good.