After posting a joke of a reply to another thread, I thought of something referring to base downtimes. As it is now, the base structures pop back up in what, 10 minutes? If you run a mission to bomb a base/town, you dont have time to rtb before the base re-builds.
People end up augering for goons and it kinda gets cheezy. What I was thinking was to have a "switch" in the town. This switch would be triggered if every building in town went down frome fresh to flat, within 20 seconds. This would mean a tight, plannned, accurate bomb mission would have to do this. To reward this planning and execution, the switch would change that bases' structure rebuild time to 20 minute. Any hanger destroyed during this period would take 20 minutes to reappear.
This would allow for the bomber pilot to rtb, and have a couple of minutes to plan a follow up strike or capture. I think this would make people think that to go out and bomb, its the only way to do it. The defense would have to watch for and defend against them, escort would fall into place. It would get the fight off the deck and in the heavens where it belongs.