I agree with titanic3 on this one. The G.55 was the best. About 130 completed version saw operational status before armistice. Was favored and considered better than any other German Bf109G's. A lightly perked plane. Good buff interceptor. A treat for Luffenwobble pilots as well as addition to Italian plane set.
Not too hard a sell, only 315 N1K2's produced, and we see how prevalent they are in LW arenas!! Besides, "The Reggiane Re.2005 Sagittario was an Italian monoplane fighter/fighter-bomber for the Regia Aeronautica during the later parts of World War II.
Only thirty-seven were built.." The G.55 was produced and exported after the war. The Re.2005 was not.
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (Italian: sparrowhawk): If I was arguing for another EW bomber, this would be a good choice. Problem is, buff pilots need a second
perk-worthy ride added. Since plane additions are so few and far between, I don't think I'd argue for an EW bomber before buff pilots got another perk ride, and you'll have plenty of argument from He-111 fans for an EW bomber.
Been argued in other threads:
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