Author Topic: The Mall Shooter was....  (Read 2831 times)

Offline Red Tail 444

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #135 on: February 16, 2007, 09:59:03 AM »

which 10% of the populace should be armed? Who does the screening?

Serious question.

Offline john9001

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #136 on: February 16, 2007, 10:03:16 AM »
don't worry about it red tail , we know who we are.

Offline Bronk

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #137 on: February 16, 2007, 10:14:56 AM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444

which 10% of the populace should be armed? Who does the screening?

Serious question.

Like he said the 10% who WANT to carry and are a responsible adults.

The same people who license now.
Just need to change the way they do it.


RI as an example. You can have NO criminal record. Prove that you're a US citizen.   Pass the proficiency test. But they can still refuse even accept your application.  
Why, because they don't see a need for people to protect themselves ?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 10:30:52 AM by Bronk »
See Rule #4

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #138 on: February 16, 2007, 10:25:38 AM »
actualy.. that is a good answer.

It should be anyone who wants to be.    Only about 10% will have the courage and will to do it.

It is a right.... not a privilidge handed out by frieghtened women.   no qualifications at all but..  strict penalties for abuse.

well... some qualifications... no minors or insane people should be allowed to go armed...  minors could under the supervision of an adult who would then be responsible.   It would not be out of the question to require a class of a few hours to explain the laws.

People have not changed... people can go around armed and not shoot innocent people.   You don't see cops or soldiers shooting each other over every arguement...  soldiers may even fight each other when they could just as easily mow the other guy down with a machine gun.   Why is that?  

If the gun caused the violence then surely.... in a tense situation like a soldier jammed in with people he doesn't know... at the height of his hormonal rage...certainly the gun would leap into his hands and force the man to shoot everyone tormenting him?

What happened to all the predicted fender bender shootings in states with thousands of concealed carry permits issued?    They never happened...

qualifications vary state to state but they are mostly a few hours of familiarization with the laws.   That is it.   And.. the cc people are amoung the most law abiding of any group.


Offline Red Tail 444

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #139 on: February 16, 2007, 11:13:58 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
don't worry about it red tail , we know who we are.

I'm not worried about all.

Offline Nashwan

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #140 on: February 16, 2007, 03:40:47 PM »
nashwan.. you certainly are not saying that the government of israel is not allowing it's citizens to carry concealed weapons?

You need a licence to keep most firearms in Israel. Most people cannot get a licence. You need to be in the right occupation (security, jeweller, army officer etc).

Israeli settlers in the West Bank can get licences automatically.

There are something less than 300,000 licences issued in Israel at the moment. The government is in the middle of a major crackdown on unlicensed firearms. (mainly aimed at those who had licences, no longer have them, but haven't turned their guns in)

I believe that it is people like you nashwan who have disarmed your neighbors... that it is people like you who will be to blame when your country erupts in some kind of widespred violence and the good people can do nothing.

Weren't you predicting 5 years ago that the British murder rate would soon overtake the rate in america?

5 years later and our rate is still a fraction of yours, and ours is going down, yours is going up.

every time a citizen of your country who wants to be armed but can't is killed or assaulted in your country... it is yours and people like yours fault.

Every time someone in the US is murdered with a gun, it's the fault of people like you. Those people shot dead at the mall? Murdered with easily available guns. In this country the fool would have used a knife, and probably lightly injured a few people.

There's a reason why the US has so many spree killings, and it's because it's so easy to get guns.

Remember when Reagan was shot? The nutter had no problem getting firearms on at least 2 occasions. He inspired a British nutter to try to kill the queen, only he couldn't get a gun, and ended up using a blank firing pistol.

Easy availability of guns = lots of dead people.

Number of people murdered with a gun in England and Wales last year - 50.

Number in america - 11,000

Your method, of arming everybody, leads to a lot more innocent people getting killed. Criminals murdered 11,000 people with guns in the US last year. Citizens killed 200 criminals. It ain't the citizens who are winning.

you may be right about the other shooting tho since I have not even heard of it.. Maybe you can provide a link to it so we can compare?

What, you mean one of the other shootings that get so much more press, you haven't even heard of?

Offline VOR

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #141 on: February 16, 2007, 04:02:41 PM »
When criminals kill criminals, everyone wins. ;)

Offline lazs2

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #142 on: February 17, 2007, 10:34:56 AM »
so how many people has your gun laws saved in the UK nashwan?   tell the truth.. how much has the murder rate gone down?   violent crime?

You never had a high murder rate.. there is no reduction..  

I predicted that there would be an increase in your violent crime rate soon..  I don't believe that I said that 5 years ago but... time flys... maybe it was.   I don't know when it will happen but it sure seems that the pressure cooker is building up steam...  you have a 97% white population... as more "immigrants" are allowed.. you will be facing more violent crime.

I am responsible for a mall shooter because he got a gun?   I would be responsible if he ran everyone over (like the other guy did a while back) because I believe people have the right to own cars?

You seem to think that murder and violence would go down if guns were banned.. you can't show me anything that supports that theory.  not even in your own country.   not in australia either.

Seems your way just makes it easier for the criminals and less likely that the inocent can defend themselves..

What I am responsible for is the 1.5 million times or more a year that crimes are stopped in the U.S. with a firearm.  

What I am responsible for is the off duty cop having a gun to stop the mall shooter.

What you are responsible is every person who is harmed by being overpowered because they, or anyone near them... has had his rights to defend himself take away by you and your ilk.

You condem your fellows to tyranny by governments and thugs.  Not I.

You are the enemy as surely as the mall shooter was.

you are entitled to your opinion about my rights but you are not entitled to remove them.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #143 on: February 17, 2007, 10:39:55 AM »
also.. read the link.. seems it was on CNN..

You don't see a difference in the killings?   no difference in motive?   In the case of the 3 people killed.. they were carpetbaggers who had bilked the shooter and  others out of half a million dollars.. the shooter killed only those responsible... he allowed a couple of people not responsible to leave..

Now if you can't see the difference between that and a motiveless (at this time) killing spree at a mall then there is no point in talking to you.


Offline Nashwan

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« Reply #144 on: February 18, 2007, 12:26:54 AM »
You don't see a difference in the killings? no difference in motive? In the case of the 3 people killed.. they were carpetbaggers who had bilked the shooter and others out of half a million dollars

That's what the shooter believed. But then he was a nut who killed 3 people, shot at police, then shot himself in the head, so I don't have much faith in his opinion. 2 of the 3 men he murdered were retired police officers.

Now if you can't see the difference between that and a motiveless (at this time) killing spree at a mall then there is no point in talking to you.

You'll probably find a very similar motive in both cases. Both probably believed the world, and some individuals in it, had cheated them. Out of money, love, success, fame, whatever, spree killers usually have similar motives (assuming the mall shooting was not a terrorist act, of course)

so how many people has your gun laws saved in the UK nashwan?

Since the 20s? Tens of thousands. If England and Wales had the same murder rate as the US last year, and let's face it, we have similar rates of other crimes, then we'd have had about 2,750 murders. In actual fact, we had about 750, so I'd say around 2,000 lives saved last year alone.

tell the truth.. how much has the murder rate gone down? violent crime?

Since the 20s? Murder rates have gone up all over the industrialised world. Ours, with strict gun control, somewhat less than yours, with freely available guns.

You never had a high murder rate.. there is no reduction..

At the beginning of the 20th century, the British and american murder rates were similar. Britain began to implement gun controls, the US did not. The US rate soared, the British rate did not.

I predicted that there would be an increase in your violent crime rate soon.. I don't believe that I said that 5 years ago but... time flys... maybe it was. I don't know when it will happen but it sure seems that the pressure cooker is building up steam.

Only it isn't. Britain's murder rate is falling.

you have a 97% white population.

No. I don't think you have any conception of the numbers of people who have come to Britain since the Labour government opened the gates at the end of the 90s. 40% of all people living in London last year were born abroad.

as more "immigrants" are allowed.. you will be facing more violent crime.

And yet we aren't.

Labour came to power in 1997, and immigration started to soar at the end of the 90s. Yet the murder rate for 2005 was about the same as for the 90s average, and that's including 50 people killed in the London suicide bombings.

Are new immigrants and black people disproportionately involved in crime? Yes. But they just replace the existing criminal groupings.

The city with the highest murder rate in Britain is Glasgow, and it's a very white city. Second is Belfast, again with a very low black population.

I am responsible for a mall shooter because he got a gun?

Well, by your logic I am responsible for anyone killed who didn't have a gun to defend themselves, so yes.

You seem to think that murder and violence would go down if guns were banned.. you can't show me anything that supports that theory. not even in your own country. not in australia either.

Of course I can. How many people were mugged in the US? How many people were killed by muggers in the US? Now ask the same questions for the UK.

Guns are tools for killing people. It's hardly surprising that where the tools are freely available, they are more commonly used.


Seems your way just makes it easier for the criminals and less likely that the inocent can defend themselves..

This is the problem lazs. You seem incapable of understanding that a gun does not protect you. The "good guy" can lose, it's not a Hollywood movie.  If criminals and victims are both armed, you are going to have a lot more dead victims than if neither is armed. In most cases, the criminal knows what's happening before the victim does, and the criminal is going to have less compunction about firing.

That's why criminals killed about 16,000 Americans, innocent people killed about 200 criminals.

What I am responsible for is the 1.5 million times or more a year that crimes are stopped in the U.S. with a firearm.

Made up figure. Phone people up at random, and 1% of them will claim to be Navy Seals who won the CMOH in the Gulf War. You can get 1% of the public to say almost anything, which is why opinion pollsters note they have a 3% margin of error. Kleck's poll on defensive gun use came up with figures much lower than the margin of error on the poll (and that doesn't mean the figure could be much higher. If 1% really defended themselves, then the maximum negative error on the sample is 3% of 1%, whereas the maximum positive error on the sample is 3% of 99%)

Hell, more Americans have been abducted by aliens than used a gun to defend themselves, if you believe in random telephone opinion polls.

What I am responsible for is the off duty cop having a gun to stop the mall shooter.

And the mall shooter having his guns in the first place. And the Philadelphia shooter, and the 30 other people who will shoot an American dead with a gun today. And the 30 tomorrow, and the 30 the day after, and so on.


You condem your fellows to tyranny by governments and thugs. Not I.

Only we're not suffering tyranny. I see far more Americans saying they have no control over their government than Britons.