Author Topic: Nice Lesson in Computer Repair  (Read 1501 times)

Offline TEShaw

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Nice Lesson in Computer Repair
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2007, 05:30:55 AM »
OK, here's the end of the story: (Please, Dear God, let this be the end!)

It's back in the shop.

They're going to give me a 'good deal' on (yet another) power supply, AND [OH, THANK YOU] a 528 vid card, for just another $200. AND, they swear, an in-store one-year guarantee on all parts.


End of story, and, the moral : If your computer is not working, just throw it away, and buy a new one, Elvis.

Because Prescilla thinks you should.

Plus, I'm going back tomorrow morning to pick up the big computer, and, I know it's going to fail here after ten minutes.


Offline TEShaw

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Nice Lesson in Computer Repair
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2007, 07:05:09 PM »
OK, here we go...

I'm going to plug in this jag computer now.

Don't wish me luck; because, I prolly shot you down 5 times.

Offline Sincraft

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Nice Lesson in Computer Repair
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2007, 11:09:16 PM »
You need to ALWAYS ask for the failing part back.

You need to ask if there is a guarantee on their work every time.

If they plugged it in at their place and it worked, it should have been a courtesy for them to charge you a min bench fee and to tell you - you need to hire an electrician.

No court in the world ( least in the US) would not side with you.

Get your parts back.  Get your money back. And never go back to that shop again.  Too many newbs and computer wanna be experts working out there.  The problem is that the boobs that hire them don't realize how little they know because they are clueless themselves.

Usually the mom and pop stores are a bit better.  When you visit those stores ask if the owner or manager is around as you ONLY want either Certified techs working on your system or the owner/manager.  They are usually the only techs you can trust.  Otherwise you end up with an 18 year old kid that is only working to pay for cool speakers and party money.  Yes there is a chance you'll get a real wiz, but why risk it?


Offline TEShaw

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Nice Lesson in Computer Repair
« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2007, 03:32:25 AM »
I'm here to thank all you guys who replied to my problem.

Wow, this computer [THIS NEW COMPUTER] has been running for ten hours. That's more time than it has run in the LAST MONTH!

[I think the electrical grounding for the circuit box is lashed to the water pipe.]

[Living in Hawaii is like living in a third-world-country: phone, electricity, cable... breaks down like, once a week. You have to reset the alarm clock and the micro-wave every other day. Then, there are ants and rats and roaches and scorpions everywhere. I was once stung by a centipede whilst sleeping in my bed.]

I'm back from the brink of suicide; but, just barely. What if it crashes this morning?

Now I have to find a new occupation besides lugging this box down and up 55 stairs EVERY FRIGGING DAY.

Hey! Why can't I have the Da Vinci or Aquarium screen savers like my little secondary computer running XP home entertainment, or whatever it's called?

Will I be suicidal because I cannot have DaVinci or Aquarium screen savers?


Stay tuned for results.