Only 2 gunsights you will need ...
Here are the sights that I use now. They are alpha (illuminated) sights.
Right-Click ... Save as ...
You place both the ???.bmp and ???_alpha.bmp into the HTC\Aces High\sights directory and when choosing the sight in AH setup, you chose the ???.bmp
Fighter: Carefull here because it is named "default". This should automatically change all plane gunsights to this sight without a lot of effort/
Jabo: For this sight I explicitly go into the AH setup and choose this one for all the planes that I use for JABO. The bottom dot is what I use to line up the bomb drop on. Usually try to get 45 degree angle on drop using the lower dot.
Credit here to Mitsu's buddy AERO. I took one of his sights and modified it.