I have been playing flight sims since my apple IIe. No hard drive, just a couple of 360 disk drives. I bought it new for $6000.
I bought a 386 D40 AMD processor machine in '87 and proceeded to fly Aces Over the Pacific and Red Baron and was flying MS Flight Sim 3 or 4, don't remember.
Started flying online sims with WarBirds version 1.0 something. Was hooked at that time and spent $200 a month for a couple of months...had to put a cap on it then...Got to meet HT and Pyro at the '98 WB con and really liked the guys and how they approached things. Followed them over here when they decided to do something different.
Applied for and was finaly accepted to do some Alpha testing in AH in the latter stages of Alpha and soon after closed my WB account. Been here ever since. The "AT" behind my name was what we used to indicate that we might have the answers to questions when open beta started. Kept the handle.