Author Topic: Disco's...  (Read 428 times)

Offline 214thCavalier

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« on: October 07, 2000, 04:52:00 PM »
Ok really pissed tonight , 7 flights and 7 disco's as in crash to desktop.
Also when i game seeing some planes jumping and jerky flight. Beacon not showing altho a few spikes on netgraph thing.
Pings both servers in the 240 260 range which is good for me, no visible pk loss.
Tonight there is no point in me trying all thats happening is i am getting so damn mad and my scores are dropping through the floor.
All this i add after i was playing for about 2 hours in the TA with no problems at all now in MA i am lucky if i stay in AH for more than 10 minutes, certainly not long enough to find a fight anyway.
I love this game and accept i will never have a ping better than 250 avg but on nights like this i wish i had never heard of AH or HiTech.

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2000, 05:25:00 PM »
Now 9 CTD and mad as hell....

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2000, 12:42:00 AM »
This is amazing... Giving us information, in place of griping, goes a lot farther towards solving your problem. Post your system specs, modem connection speed and a trace route. It could be a problem with AH, your vid card, vid settings, anything. Without specs, we can't begin to help you.

Tip: Instead of saying "I'm mad as hell" next time something like this happens, post a bunch of specs on your system. Frustration is understandable, but try to keep cool.

Delta 6's Flight School
"My art is the wings of an aircraft through the skies, my music the deep hum of a prop as it slices the air, my thrill the thunder of guns tearing asunder an enemy plane."
19 September 2000

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2000, 04:24:00 AM »
Flak if i thought giving my specs would have really helped i would have done it, BUT nothing has changed on my machine, on Sunday i had similar problems then for 5 days all was fine but tonight AFTER playing in TA for at least 2 hours without a single disco i go to MA and find i cannot stay in, i would say 10 minutes max is the limit.
So to recap :-
2 hours in TA = no problems
Go to MA cant stay in.

Somehow i find it kinda hard to associate that with a problem with my system specs or a problem at my end.

Oh did i mention AH is the ONLY program of any sort that i have any stability problems with ?

But just to please you.
AMD Tbird 850
Abit KT7 Raid Motherboard
256 mb pc133 ram
Creative Sblaster live
Creative Geforce 256 DDR
56k 3com internal modem (not winmodem)
Which was connected at 52,000

Also as i said in original post conn looked fine which is why i did not post a trace route and if i say fine i mean it, No visible PK loss, No sprintlink enroute, No errors enroute, and all pings were below 250 which is one of the best visible connects i can remember for me.

I have to wonder why i could play so long in the TA then get boot, boot, boot from the MA ??

[This message has been edited by 214thCavalier (edited 10-08-2000).]

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2000, 04:32:00 AM »
You've got me stumped. From what a few people have said try slowing down your modem to a V.34 connect. Apparently a 33.6k or slower connect is better than a 50+k connect. Something to do with compression at high speeds slowing games down. About the only other thing I can think of is to give HTC a holler about it. Maybe the con stressed their server or something? Its worth a shot.

Delta 6's Flight School
"My art is the wings of an aircraft through the skies, my music the deep hum of a prop as it slices the air, my thrill the thunder of guns tearing asunder an enemy plane."
19 September 2000

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2000, 05:11:00 PM »
Just a thought. Maybe your AH file or files got corrupted somehow. Perhaps a fresh download and reload of the program might solve the problem.

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Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2000, 07:42:00 PM »
Well tonight been playing for 4 hours nothing changed here, conn looks same as last night and not a single disco or CTD.
Kinda really makes me think its not at my end.

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2000, 07:43:00 PM »
Definately try the modem slowdown trick.  It will yeild a more stable connect for sure.  Make yourself a second dial-up connection for playing AH that has slower speed settings, V.34 as suggested above.  Turning it down to 33.6 will give you a more stable connect.

Um... what sort of power supply do you have in that computer?  That's one of the most power hungry setups you can possibly build right there.  If you don't have at least a really good quality 300 Watt PS I'd be looking at that as a possibility.

I'd also try re-downloading the AH software.  Something silly like a corrupted file could do this.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
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Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
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