Got a bit of a unique problem.
I just got a new USB stick. In order to get it to work with the old stuff I have, I've had to use two sticks; one for the USB, then the old setup for throttle and pedals.
My setup: stick 1 is a CH Fighterstick non usb, on GC3 gameport (CH gameport thingy). This stick has the throttle and pedals attached to it. Stick 2 is the new CH Fighterstick USB.
Stick 1:
CH Fighterstick (non-usb)
CH Throttle (non-usb)
Simped pedals (non-usb)
Stick 2:
Ch Fighterstick USB
Now, in AH I have roll and pitch on the stick 2 (USB), and throttle + rudder on stick 2 (non-USB). Unfortunately, the rudders are quite old now, and the potentiometers are probably a bit worn out. Am looking into getting new ones. So, they're a bit spikey.
So I tried upping the deadband to avoid spikes when not using the rudders, and dampening to make sure the spikes aren't too noticeable.
This does nothing. It affects the rudders in no way. Same deadband as default, same dampening. Tried to adjust for throttle, same thing.
It works on the x and y axis of the USb stick, no problem.
Hope someone has some ideas. maybe edit the stick cfg file, but I dunno what the different values represent.
The most annoying thing is that the rudder spikes when I ain't touching them. VERY noticeable in the 109. If I cannot get the dampening/deadband going, and new pots won't do it, I'll have to see if I can get money to buy new rudders, and with my current economical situation, that's a bit unlikely.
Thanks in advance.