NASCAR now bores me to tears most of the time, ESPN just plain SUCKS at covering drag racing, and none of the open wheel stuff is worth a damn except for sprint cars, and it gets lousy coverage.
The stick and ball leagues have become so infested with loser scumbag thugs and spoiled punks I haven't watched them in years. The local NFL team, the Titans, put up with that piece of human garbage known as "Pac Man Jones" no matter what he did. It seems the state of Nevada is going to prosecute him for being the thug he is, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, the NFL will also step in. He should thank them. One of the local drug dealers will kill him if they don't get him out of here. He's a PRIME example of why I don't watch any stick and ball sports. Hell, they put up with crap like that at the COLLEGE level, look at UT. Half the team has a record with either the city of Knoxville or the Knox county sheriff's department. And the government, state AND local, robs the taxpayers blind to fund them. And then the stupid taxpayers spend millions to watch the scum "play ball". If EVER there was a statement on the state of society, THERE IT IS.
And yeah, I PLAYED sports up until I was in my twenties, and loved it. I USED to be a big fan of pro sports. But pro sports is neither professional OR sports.