Author Topic: 7600GT and texture >256 fix !!!  (Read 227 times)

Offline maque1

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7600GT and texture >256 fix !!!
« on: March 29, 2007, 03:31:59 PM »

Thought I would let you know I fixed my problem with 512 tex causing artifacts and lock ups.

I still had my ASUS A8N SLI DELUXE MB Memory speeds set at AUTO!

I checked CPU-Z and they were at 3-3-3-8.  A spare 1024 400DDR (OC) I had laying around caught my attention, it was marked 3-4-4-8.

I am such a cheap screw, I go for the $100 DDR400 1024 DDRs.  3-3-3-8 was too agressive for my cheap ram (Ultra).

Set MB Bios to 3-4-4-8 and Wallaaa!  Runs great.  Backing off the ram speed might cost me 1% in speed but now the machine is stable in AH.
No change in frame rate (limited to 60 by LCD monitor) and seems a little smoother also.

2X XFX 7600GT in SLI
2 G Ram in Dual Channel
WD 250G

1280x 960 res on Acer 24" wide LCD
Texures at 512
All sliders full up
No skins loaded and disabled
Video quality on Performance ( one down from Max Performance)
Riva tuner settings for performance except Trans Anti on min and asotrp on 2X.

Anyway, for your info, too agessive memory speeds may be ok for other games, but for AH they will bite you in the butt!

This game absolutely abuses CPUs, memory and Graphic cards.

