Well, if it was up to me (and clearly its not), I would be adding the Ki-43-II to the next update, but im trying to figure whats likely to get "voted" in, and sadly, the EW rides seem to just drop like flies, so, the trick is to keep some interest in the ones that a) Are likely to get voted on, and b) Are at least semi-usefull.
He-111? count me in, but it would never be included in a vote-off, we are going to have to wait for HTC to just decide to model it, like the Brewster and the others...He-111 has as much chance of being voted in by the players as a Pz.11 or a French 1940 plane, that is to say, next to no chance.
Its not a perfect world.
And Like I said, I like the P-39 as choice #2 if the Yak-3 doesnt pan out. If I was a betting man, my chips would be on the P-39 anyways, its a US fighter.